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但是刘若鹏博士毕业的Duke大学, 对刘若鹏这位事业成功的校友却持有保留意见,去年在校报上Chronicle上发表了质疑他窃取Duke大学知识产权的文章:
How one graduate student allegedly stole Duke research to create a billion-dollar Chinese companywww.dukechronicle.com/article/2017/10/how-one-graduate-student-allegedly-stole-duke-research-to-create-billion-dollar-chinese-company还配发了一副漫画:
But prior to Kuang-Chi’s inception in 2010, its founder Ruopeng Liu, M.S. 08 and Ph.D. 09, worked in the lab of renowned metamaterials researcher David Smith, James B. Duke professor of electrical and computer engineering.
刘若鹏的导师是 David Smith博士, 2004年加入Duke,
In 2006, his Duke labcreated a prototype invisibility cloak. Although the cloak could not conceal objects from the human eye, it could from microwaves—meaning potential applications for cell phones and antennas.
2006年初,David Smith博士在世界上首次完成实体的隐形衣材料,可以不被微波探测到, 同年8月刘若鹏来到Duke大学加入Smith博士实验室参与隐形衣优化项目。
Eventually, Liu made what would seem to be an innocent suggestion—the lab should collaborate with one in China, run by Tie Jun Cui, Cheung-Kong professor at Southeast University in Nanjing, China. Smith—wanting to share the fruits of collaboration—agreed. Liu suggested Cui’s team visit the lab, and Smith agreed once Liu said China would foot the bill.
刘若鹏不久建议David Smith博士和中国东南大学毫米波重点实验室的崔铁军教授合作,并邀请崔铁军教授来实验室访问,这在David Smith博士看来是正常的学术交流,就同意了。
Cui’s team took photos of the lab, and could recreate the lab in China, per information Golden got from the FBI and another student in Smith’s lab.
Throughout the chapter, there are multiple signs of suspicious behavior on Liu’s part. In one example, Golden writes that a postdoctoral fellow in the lab gave Liu data, only to see Cui present the results as his own. Liu was also co-authoring papers with Cui’s research team. Smith instructed Liu to stop—thinking at first it was an honest mistake—but the publications kept coming.
Although the book indicated that Smith might have looked the other way due to the importance of collaboration, Smith and Liu’s relationship eventually soured.
In 2008, Liu invited the team to visit China—on China’s dime. But Smith almost didn’t take part, after a heated argument with Liu at the airport before their flight. Liu kept trying to press Smith into giving Cui’s group technical advice, which was not what Smith thought he had signed up for.
As Golden tells it, this was not an eager researcher looking to foster collaboration back home. Golden wrote that Liu convinced Smith to join the Chinese Government’s Project 111, which was designed to recruit overseas scientists to work on Chinese campuses.
在指导教授反对的情况下,刘若鹏和崔铁军教授合作发表一系列文章,同时并试图说服David Smith博士到中国参与中国 *** 支持的研究计划。(附注:隐形衣技术可以用在军事用途,比如帮助战斗机上逃过雷达探测) David Smith博士没有同意, 觉得这不是他预想的科学合作。
Liu kept working at Smith’s lab, but the tensions between him and Smith remained. In 2008, Liu authored a paper describing a newer invisibility cloak covering a wider range of wave frequencies. But when Smith asked for further details about the technique by which Liu came up with the cloaks design, Liu clammed up.
In January 2009, Liu published a paper detailing this new cloak, with Smith and Cui as co-authors. According to the chapter, China paid more than $10,000 for the byline, and Smith was flying high.
That is, until the lab’s funders got word of the Chinese lab’s involvement. Smith was being funded by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, and Cui by the National Basic Science Foundation of China and Project 111.
Not surprisingly, the Pentagon was not pleased that research it had funded made its way to China. Smith immediately ended collaboration with Cui’s team, and told Liu to cease contact with Cuis team.
But the suspicious behavior did not stop, and tensions between Smith and Liu came to a head.
刘若鹏导师David Smith博士的项目是美国空军资助的,刘若鹏引入中国合作者和中国 *** 的资助参与到David Smith博士的研究,导致可以使用到军事用途的隐形衣核心技术泄露到中国, 引发五角大楼的不满。
2009年刘若鹏联系新浪网宣传自己作为第一作者的优化版隐形衣Science文章,宣称自己才是研究团队的领导者,有意忽略真正的领导者,自己的博士导师,通讯作者David Smith博士的贡献。
对于自己的博士导师,刘若鹏就提了一句“当然还有David的支持“, 读新浪网新闻的人怎么会想到这个David才是这个项目真正的领导者,刘若鹏的博士导师,第一个把隐形衣技术理论转化为实物的人!
随后2009年刘若鹏毕业回国,在没有得到Duke大学知识产权办公室授权的情况下,刘若鹏在国内自行建立公司继续研发隐形衣技术, 同时得到 *** 大力支持创建光启科学和光启科技两家公司,目前市值达到10亿美元。面对此情此景,他的导师David Smith博士和母校Duke 大学心中是酸楚的。下面是相关技术的原始专利申请记录,David Smith博士将刘若鹏和崔天军博士都列为发明人,但是专利的所属单位是Duke大学。
此项研究也在中国申请了专利,专利权的受让人是Duke 大学, 见下面的官方记录:
刘若鹏:美国第六代战机才能用的材料 中国已全面装备news.ifeng.com/a/20180316/56802509_0.shtml为什么美国 *** 会指责中国盗窃知识产权? 为什么美国 *** 要限制攻读科技工程专业的中国留学生的签证?有很多人不知道为什么, 看完Duke大学校报发表的这篇文章,各位可能多少了解一些背后的原因。