gogohands a look at the world, take you to see the whole world
Location | 项目地址:重庆市江北区观音桥步行街 10 号
Scale | 项目规模:1,360 平方米
Completion Year:2021
现场实景Live action
▼6mm 线绳与线性照明
结 语
林中空地复合书店位于重庆市中心,当 HAS design and research 第一次探查重庆这座城市时,我们感到惊讶的是,重庆和中国任何一个城市极为相似,布满超高层建筑……然而,当我们深入研究重庆这座城市的历史与文化时,发现了中国著名水墨画家吴冠中于1979 年所绘制的画作《重庆山城》,这幅画作展现了重庆山城独特的起伏地形和各种吊脚楼疏密的尺度感。
The design concept starts with research, so when HAS design and research knows the project is located in Chongqing, we feel surprised that Chongqing is the same as any cities in China, all are the super tall buildings… However, when we started research Chongqing city, we found one of famous Chinese ink painters, Guanzhong Wu’s painting which is called “the mountain city of Chongqing (1979)”, showing how beautiful the specific topography of themountains and various senses of Stilt Houses scale in the painting.