

[00:06.61]Feel the funk blast (whispered)(小声)准备迎接放克音乐的冲击波吧!【骤停打击乐,崛起于20世纪70年代,由黑人爵士乐演变而来。被认为是迪斯科音乐的前身。】

[00:09.74]Feel the funk blast (whispered)(小声)准备迎接放克音乐的冲击波吧!

[00:12.91]Well feel the funk blast节奏来啦!

[00:15.96]Well feel the funk blast鼓点来啦!

[00:19.25]Well feel the funk blast震荡来啦!

[00:22.51]Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Check it Out Yo Yo Yo呦呦呦呦呦呦呦开始喽呦呦呦!

[00:26.24]I be walkin god like a dog我放逐掉上帝,如同遛狗,

[00:28.55]My narrative fearless胡言乱语天不怕地不怕!

[00:30.37]Word war returns to burn唾沫横飞直冒火星

[00:31.83]Like Baldwin home from Paris, Uh和特里·鲍德温+巴黎·格雷一样火爆!【可能指House音乐艺术家Terry Baldwin与Paris Gray推出的专辑《Don`t lead me》】

[00:33.34]Like steel from a furnace如同炉中钢铁滋滋作响,

[00:35.06]I was born landless我生来便无立锥之地。

[00:36.87]Yes its tha native son这就是那土长之子,

[00:38.44]Born of Zapatas guns自萨帕塔的枪炮中诞生!

[00:40.30]Stroll through the shanties我们走过破屋烂瓦,

[00:41.30]And tha cities remains我们踏过断壁残垣,

[00:42.52]Same bodies buried hungry饥馑人民名姓不同,

[00:44.22]But with different last names唯独死时人人平等!

[00:46.09]The vultures robbin everything饕餮之徒掠夺一切,

[00:47.59]Leave nothing but chains生者只留锁链傍身!

[00:49.25]Pick a point on the globe试看天下熙攘寰宇,

[00:50.87]Yes tha pictures tha same上演皆是同幕悲剧!

[00:52.48]Theres a bank, theres a church, a myth and a hearse银行与教堂并立,传说与灵车同行,

[00:55.69]A mall and a loan, a child dead at birth买卖繁荣伴着借贷,贫穷孩童只剩夭折,

[00:58.71]Theres a widow pig parrot乳猪似的人鹦鹉学舌,

[01:00.57]A rebel to tame野性丧失、甘愿驯服。

[01:02.03]A whitehooded judge白头巾阿訇就是法官,

[01:03.80]A syringe and a vein用针随意刺你的血脉!

[01:08.53]And the riot be the rhyme of the unheard暴乱惊雷正从无声处孕育!

[01:11.44]What ya say? What ya say? What ya say? What?你还有什么想说的?

[01:18.33]What ya say? What ya say? What ya say? What?有什么想说的就快点!

[01:24.48]What ya say? What ya say? What ya say? What?你还有什么想说的?

[01:30.97]What ya say? What ya say? What ya say? What?有什么想说的就快点!

[01:36.21]Were calm like a bomb (Ignite)我们已经保持最大限度的克制!(点燃!)

[01:42.60]Were calm like a bomb (Ignite)我们可是最最“温和”的人们!(燃烧!)

[01:49.90]This aint subliminal这可不是无意识的,

[01:52.32]Feel the critical mass approach horizon看看地平线上愤怒的人潮涌动!

[01:53.22]Tha pulse of the condemned“罪人”们澎湃的脉搏声声,

[01:54.48]Sound off Americas demise宣告了美利坚的灭亡时刻!

[01:56.34]Tha anti-myth rhythm rock shocker剿灭神话的摇滚旋律,

[01:58.00]Yes I spit fire是我喷吐的毒龙火焰!

[01:59.66]Hope lies in the *** oldering rubble of empires帝国尚温的尸体上匍匐着明日的希望!

[02:02.83]Yes back through tha shanties and tha cities remains看看这些破屋烂瓦断壁残垣,[02:05.79]Same bodies buried hungry, uh-huh饥民饿毙草草埋葬,

[02:07.27]With different last names, uh-huh此刻他们才得平等!

[02:09.22]The vultures robbin everyone资本巨鳄巧取豪夺,

[02:10.58]Leave nothing but chains人民只剩下手脚枷锁!

[02:12.54]Pick a point here at home看看这家家户户,

[02:13.80]Yes the pictures tha same悲剧正一一上演!

[02:15.55]Theres a field full of slaves“自由之地”上满是奴隶,

[02:17.27]Some corn and some debt债务缠身,麦穗充饥;

[02:18.57]Theres a ditch full of bodies尸体填满路旁阴沟,

[02:20.43]Tha check for the rent催租信铺天盖地。

[02:21.80]Theres a tap, tha phone, tha silence of stone节奏敲响听筒,石头都不沉默,

[02:25.17]The numb black screen家中呆滞的黑色屏幕,

[02:26.93]That be feelin like home是他们愚弄你们的企图!

[02:31.87]And the riot be the rhyme of the unheard暴乱惊雷已从无声处孕育!

[02:35.09]What ya say? What ya say? What ya say? What?你还有什么想说的?

[02:41.57]What ya say? What ya say? What ya say? What?有什么想说的就快点!

[02:47.84]What ya say? What ya say? What ya say? What?你还有什么想说的?

[02:54.23]What ya say? What ya say? What ya say? What?有什么想说的就快点!

[02:59.45]Calm like a bomb (Ignite)我们蓄势待命!(点燃!)

[03:05.70]Calm like a bomb (Ignite)我们一触即发!(燃烧!)

[03:12.24]Calm like a bomb (Ignite)我们武装到底!(翻腾!)

[03:18.59]Calm like a bomb (Ignite)我们时刻备战!(爆炸!)

[04:03.70]Calm like a bomb (Ignite)我们蓄势待命!(点燃!)

[04:09.90]Calm like a bomb (Ignite)我们一触即发!(燃烧!)

[04:16.44]Calm like a bomb (Ignite)我们武装到底!(翻腾!)

[04:22.89]Calm like a bomb (Ignite)我们时刻备战!(爆炸!)

[04:29.27]Calm like a bomb (Ignite)革命!革命!革命!

[04:30.82]Theres a mass without roofs暴乱永不止歇,

[04:31.79]A prison to fill监狱人满为患,

[04:33.08]Theres a countrys soul that reads post no bills国民的精神不需要招贴来挽救;

[04:36.26]Theres a strike and a line of cops outside of tha mill冲锋在即,墙外警察严阵以待,

[04:39.88]Theres a right to obey我们造反有理,

[04:41.45]And a right to kill我们革命无罪!

[04:43.01]Theres a mass without roofs暴乱没有尽头,

[04:44.68]Theres a prison to fill入狱又有何妨,

[04:46.39]Theres a countrys soul that reads post no bills国民的怒火不需要海报来激活;

[04:49.31]Theres a strike and a line of cops outside of tha mill冲锋在即,墙外警察严阵以待,

[04:52.43]Cos theres a right to obey我们造反有理,

[04:54.34]And theres the right to kill我们革命无罪!


