











1. 陈梓童《双截棍》

2. 谭轩辕《Still Loving You》

3. 朱强《明月几时有》

4. 贝贝《花火》

5. 徐林《姐姐》

6. 朗嘎拉姆《千言万语》

7. 李安《逝去的爱》


1. 杨宝心《Are You Ready》

2. 赵大格《我在人民广场吃炸鸡》

3. 张惠春《怎么说我不爱你》

4. 长宇《氧气》

5. 刘伟男《柠檬树》

6. 任柏儒《不再让你孤单》

7. 舞思爱·羔露《如果没有你》

8. 孙伯纶《如果你也听说》

9. 林燕《别来纠缠我》


1. 张楠《逃亡》

2. 张姝《一起摇摆》

3. 张磊《南山南》

4. 王飞雪《柏拉图之恋2060》

5. 王帝《别找我麻烦》

6. 柳畅源《双截棍六国版》

7. 蒲悦《梨花又开放》

8. 江源东《昨夜小楼又东风》

9. 马吟吟《海上花》

10. 黄霄云《你》


1. 段欣芮《算你狠》

2. 苦鬼《太阳》

3. 凌菱《为爱痴狂》

4. 李安安《没离开过》

5. 李幸倪《心痛》

6. 李文豪《思念是一种病》

7. 李文慧《流星》

8. 晨悠组合《野子》

9. 别日克《Senorita》

10. 关诗敏《晴天》

11. 童予硕《对爱渴望》

12. 黄恺《better man》

13. 詹小栎《弯弯的月亮》


1. 张博林《Home》

2. 张鑫鑫《秋天》

3. 许哲《生来彷徨》

4. 曹景豪《心的距离》

5. 周晓晓《温柔》

6. 张旸《菊花台》

7. 朗嘎拉姆《独上西楼》

8. 修儿《张三的歌》

9. 古振邦《say something》

10. 苏浩《单行的轨道》

11. 黄圣文《印第安老斑鸠》

12.蒲悦 《如果有来生》

13.陆蔚綝 《到不了》 

14.任柏儒 《牡丹亭外》

15.杜星萤 《得不到的爱情》  


1、《中国好声音第四季》是由浙江卫视联合星空传媒旗下灿星制作打造的励志专业音乐评论节目,版权源于荷兰节目《The Voice of Holland》(荷兰之声)。四位固定导师为周杰伦、 庾澄庆、那英、汪峰。导师介绍:









是Michael Bublé。

Another summer day

Has come and gone away

In Paris or Rome...

But I wanna go home

...uhm Home

May be surrounded by

A million people I

Still feel all alone

Just wanna go home

I miss you, you know

And I've been keeping all the letters

That I wrote to you,

Each one a line or two

I'm fine baby, how are you?

I would send them but I know that

It's just not enough

My words were cold and flat

And you deserve more than that

Another aeroplane, another sunny place,

I'm lucky I know

But I wanna go home

I got to go home

Let me go home

I'm just too far from where you are

I wanna come home

And I feel just like I'm living

Someone else's life

It's like I just stepped outside

When everything was going right

And I know just why

You could not come along with me

This was not your dream

But you always believed in me...

Another winter day

Has come and gone away

In either Paris or Rome

And I wanna go home

Let me go home

And I'm surrounded by

A million people I

I still feel alone

Let me go home

I miss you , you know

Let me go home

I've had my run

Baby I'm done

I gotta go home

Let me go home

It'll all be alright

I'll be home tonight

I'm coming back home



Another summer day

Has come and gone away

In Paris or Rome...

But I want to go home


May be surrounded by

A million people I

Still feel all alone

I just wanna go home

I miss you, you know

And I've been keeping all the letters

That I wrote to you,

Each one a line or two

I'm fine baby, how are you?

I would send them but I know that

It's just not enough

My words were cold and flat

And you deserve more than that

Another aeroplane, another sunny place,

I'm lucky I know

But I wanna go home

I've got to go home

Let me go home

I'm just too far from where you are

I got to come home

Let me go home

I've had my run

Baby I'm done

I wanna come home

And I feel just like I'm living

Someone else's life

It's like I just stepped outside

When everything was going right

And I know just why

You could not come along with me

This was not your dream

But you always believed in me...

Another winter day

Has come and gone away

In either Paris or Rome

And I wanna go home

I miss you, you know

Let me go home

I've had my run

Baby I'm done

I wanna go home

Let me go home

It'll all be alright

I'll be home tonight

I'm coming back home




2015-08-14 《好声音》第四季第五期 演唱《Home》

2015-08-21 《好声音》第四季第六期 演唱《Jailhouse Rock》、《Boys 'Round Here》参考来自天翼云
