Gold mining is a global business, with hundreds of mining companies digging for the precious metal in dozens of countries. But where exactly are the largest gold mines in the world?
The below infographic uses data compiled from S&P Global Market Intelligence and company reports to map the top 10 gold-producing mines in 2021.
01—2021 年全球10大金矿
前10大金矿分布在北美、大洋洲、非洲和亚洲的 10 个不同国家。截至2021 年,其合计黄金产量约1300万盎司,即占全球黄金产量的约12% 。
The 10 largest gold mines are located across nine different countries in North America, Oceania, Africa, and Asia. Together, they accounted for around 13 million ounces or 12% of global gold production in 2021.
2019 年,世界上最大的两家黄金开采商——巴里克黄金公司和纽蒙特公司——宣布将他们在内华达州的业务合并,成立一家历史性的合资企业。由此产生的内华达金矿成为当今世界上最大的金矿联合体,共拥有六座金矿,年产量超过330万盎司。
乌兹别克斯坦Muruntau金矿是世界上最深的露天金矿之一,产量约300万盎司,是全球第二大金矿,占乌兹别克斯坦黄金总产量的80% 以上。
2021年,还有另外两个矿山——格拉斯伯格和奥林匹亚达——生产了超过 100万盎司的黄金。格拉斯伯格不仅是世界第三大金矿,还是世界上最大的铜矿山之一。俄罗斯金矿巨头Polyus拥有的Olimpiada金矿蕴藏有约2600万盎司的黄金储量。Polyus近期被评为全球黄金储量最大的矿商,共计拥有超过 1.04 亿盎司的已探明黄金储量。
In 2019, the worlds two largest gold miners—Barrick Gold and Newmont Corporation—announced a historic joint venture combining their operations in Nevada. The resulting joint corporation, Nevada Gold Mines, is now the worlds largest gold mining complex with six mines churning out over 3.3 million ounces annually.
Uzbekistans state-owned Muruntau mine, one of the worlds deepest open-pit operations, produced just under 3 million ounces, making it the second-largest gold mine. Muruntau represents over 80% of Uzbekistans overall gold production.
Only two other mines—Gra *** erg and Olimpiada—produced more than 1 million ounces of gold in 2021. Gra *** erg is not only the third-largest gold mine but also one of the largest copper mines in the world. Olimpiada, owned by Russian gold mining giant Polyus, holds around 26 million ounces of gold reserves. Polyus was also recently crowned the biggest miner in terms of gold reserves globally, holding over 104 million ounces of proven and probable gold between all deposits.
自 2016 年以来,黄金价格上涨了约50%,目前徘徊在 2,000 美元/盎司的历史高位。这对黄金矿商来说无疑是个好消息,他们在2020年赚取了创纪录的高额利润。2020年黄金矿商每生产一盎司黄金就能赚取---------