

杭州的名片西湖—The Name Card Of Hangzhou​mp.weixin.qq.com/s/F0Ai0OB1l1PUdjpw-U9xgA


When talking about Hangzhou, maybe the first key word in peoples mind is the West Lake; Its like talking about Xian, peoples minds will jump out of the Terracotta Army; Talking about Beijing, people will flash the the palace museum and the Great Wall in their mind. Every time I take foreign officials on a boat to Three Pools Mirroring the Moon, I always show them 1 yuan, because the West Lake is the name card of Hangzhou.



From ancient times to now, there are too many poems describing the West Lake. The scenery of poems is different according to people, feelings, seasons and time. So how did the West Lake develop in the long history and which period had a great influence on the West Lake?


West Lake in Qin Dynasty


More than 2000 years ago, the West Lake was part of the Qiantang River. The surrounding mountains were on the north and south sides of the lake and gradually formed from shoal. The deposited gravel slowly converges into an embankment and a lagoon appears to the West. It is said that the first emperor of Qin went to Kuaiji (Shaoxing) to offer sacrifices to Da Yu. When he passed through the Qiantang(The name of Hangzhou in The Qin Dynasty), he took a boat into the West Lake and tied a boat on a huge stone beside the lake. This is the "the first emperor of Qin fasten boat with stone" of Baoshi hill. If the legend is true, it means that the water level of the West Lake at that time was at least tens of meters higher than now, because this stone is on the Baoshi hill, which is much higher than the lake. When I was a child, I always liked to climb on it. Its shape was like a wooden fish. I always thought it was just a carving of a stone wooden fish.



West Lake in Tang Dynasty


The Sui Dynasty was busy dredging the North-South c *** and connecting Chinas five major rivers (Hai, Yellow, Huai, Yangtze and Qian Tang), which facilitated the transportation of Hangzhou and promoted the development of regional economy.


Time came to the Tang Dynasty, when the West Lake area was about 10.8 square kilometers. Its much larger than the current 6.38 square kilometers of West Lake. The western and southern parts of the lake extend to the foot of the west mountain. The Northeast extends to Wulin gate area. Due to the continuous siltation of the barrier lake and the lack of water conservancy projects, the West Lake would flood after heavy rain and dry up in the long-term drought.


The West Lake in Wu Dai Dynasty

杭州发展历史上最突出的时期是吴越王朝(907-960)和南宋时期,对西湖产生了巨大的影响。西湖的全面开发和基本布局发生在这两个朝代。五代十国时期,吴越王国定都杭州,建观景房于凤凰山上(建王宫于凤凰山上的原因见前文《杭州往事》)。因此,公元927年,吴越王钱柳建立了一支千人的专职养护大队,负责养护西湖及周边环境。与此同时,吴越王朝的历代统治者都一心礼佛,在湖区周围修建了大量的寺庙、宝塔、神龛和石窟。如扩建了灵隐寺,建立了肇庆寺、京慈寺、立安寺、六通寺、桃光寺,修建了宝塔、 *** 塔、雷峰塔、白塔等,所以当时有佛国之称。

The most prominent period in Hangzhous development history was the Wu Yue Dynasty (907-960) and the Southern Song Dynasty, which had a great impact on the West Lake.The comprehensive development and basic layout of the West Lake took place in these two dynasties. During the period of Wu Dai and Ten Kingdoms dynasty, the kingdom of Wu Yue established its capital in Hangzhou, and built a viewing room on Phoenix Mountain (the reason why the Royal Palace was built on Phoenix mountain is shown in Hangzhou past).Therefore, in 927 A.D., Qian Liu, king of Wu Yue, set up a full-time maintenance brigade of 1000 people, responsible for the maintenance of the West Lake and its surrounding environment.At the same time, the rulers of the Wu Yue dynasty were all dedicated to Buddhi *** , and built a large number of temples, pagodas, shrines and grottoes around the lake area.For example, Ling Yin Temple was expanded, Zhao Qing temple, Jing Ci temple, Li’an temple, Liu Tong temple, Tao Guang temple were established, Liu He tower, Lei Feng Tower, White tower were built, so it was called the kingdom of buddhi *** at that time.







The West Lake in Song Dynasty


Su Shi, a famous poet in the Northern Song Dynasty, made a great contribution to the governance of the West Lake. From Wu Dai Dynasties to the late Northern Song Dynasty, the West Lake was not treated for a long time, and aquatic plant occupied half of the lake. You know, the dynasty has changed, the Qian family can not organize a thousand people to maintain the West Lake as before. One is the lack of financial resources, and the other is the accusation of supporting soldiers and trying to rebel.


In the fifth year of Yuan You (1090) of the Northern Song Dynasty, Su Shi wrote "Begging development of Hangzhou West Lake of letter" to Zhe Zong who is the emperor of the Northern Song Dynasty, asking for policy, money and manpower. In April of the same year, 200000 workers were mobilized to dredge the West Lake, and with the aquatic plant and silt excavated, a long embankment was built across the lake 2.8km from south to north. Six stone arch bridges were built on the embankment. Since then, the water surface of the West Lake has been divided into East and west parts, and the north and South Mountains have been connected. In memory of him, people called this embankment "Su Embankment". Why didnt I mention that Bai Juyi built the White Embankment of the West Lake in the Tang Dynasty? Its because Bai Juyi only played a propaganda role. He didnt build it, and he admitted it. The formation of White Embankment is still controversial, including the theory of natural formation and the theory of artificial construction in Sui Dynasty.



In 1127, after the Southern Song Dynasty established its capital in Linan(The name of Hangzhou in The Southern Song Dynasty), it continued to occupy the top of Phoenix mountain. Hangzhou has become the imperial capital, with a rapid population growth and economic prosperity, and entered the peak period of development. In addition to tourists and pilgrims, there are also envoys, busines *** en and monks from all over the world, students who go to capital for exams. So many people come, they would write about the feelings of the touri *** strategy. So at that time, the scenic places of the west lake began to be widely known, and became the "holy land of Ci(A literary form)" (there would be no Internet, and the propaganda was all based on Song Ci).




The West Lake in Qing Dynasty


In Ming and Qing Dynasties, the West Lake experienced several dredging, and the excavated mud piled up two islands, namely Pavilion in the center of the lake and Xiao Yingzhou.




Kang Xi emperor came to Hangzhou five times and wrote down the name of "ten sceneries of West Lake" . Later, local officials carved the emperors handwriting on the stele and built pavilions on it for protection.

雍正年间,西湖面积约有7.54平方公里,但葑滩20多公顷,经过大规模的疏浚后,面积广及近代的西山路以西至洪春桥、茅家埠、乌龟潭、赤山埠一带。雍正五年(1727年),浙江巡抚李卫用银四万二千七百四十二两,开浚西湖湖道,在 *** 港、赤山埠、丁家山、茅家埠筑石堰各一座,用以蓄泄沙水入湖。

During the Yong Zheng(The name of the Emperor), the area of West Lake was about 7.54 square kilometers, but Beach full of aquatic plants was more than 20 hectares. After large-scale dredging, the area extended to the west of modern Xishan Road to Hong Chun bridge, Mao Jiapu, tortoise pool and Chi Shanpu. In 1727, Li Wei, governor of Zhejiang Province, used 42742 liang (unit of weight) of silver to dredge the West Lake Road, and built one stone weir at Jinsha port, Chi Shanpu, Ding Jiashan and Mao Jiabu, to store sand water into the lake.




Qian Long(The name of the Emperor) also visited Hangzhou six times to write poems and set up a monument for the "ten sceneries". He also named the "eight sceneries of Long Jing" and brought fame to the remote mountainous areas of Long Jing area . Because of the arrival of the emperor, the court painters broadcast it, so there were many paintings about the West Lake left at that time. The East and West embankment of Kunming Lake in the summer palace, a royal garden in Beijing built during the reign of Emperor Qian Long, also imitated the six bridges of Su Embankment in the West Lake.




West Lake in modern time


Now the West Lake scenic area has a total area of 49 square kilometers, a lake surface area of 6.38 square kilometers. South, West and North of the West Lake are surrounded by mountains. White Embankment , Su Embankment, Yang Gong and Zhao Gong Embankment divide the lake into several water surfaces. The profile of the West Lake is nearly oval, and the bottom of the lake is relatively flat. The average water depth of the lake is 2.27 meters, the deepest is about 5 meters, and the shallowest is less than 1 meter.


There are more than 100 park and scenic places in the West Lake, including "ten sceneries of the West Lake", "new ten sceneries of the West Lake". There are more than 60 national, provincial and municipal key cultural relics protection units and more than 20 museums.

2007年,杭州市西湖风景名胜区被评为“国家AAAAA级旅游景区”。 2011年6月24日,“杭州西湖文化景观”正式被列入《世界遗产名录》。

In 2007, Hangzhou West Lake was rated as "national AAAAA scenic spot". On June 24, 2011, "Hangzhou West Lake Cultural Landscape" was officially listed in the world heritage list.

