小伙伴关心的问题:抖音 girl是什么歌(That Girl (抖音版) Liu),本文通过数据整理汇集了抖音 girl是什么歌(That Girl (抖音版) Liu)相关信息,下面一起看看。

抖音 girl是什么歌(That Girl (抖音版) Liu)

There‘s a girl这丝够

but I let her把他累了

get away给他喂

It’s all my fault一搜买否

cause pride可丝怕噶

got in the way零路喂

And I‘d be lying if I said拿笔拉音零发丝

I was ok爱我丝ok

About that girl爱抱着狗

the one I let get away他汪泪泪给他喂

I keep saying no啊开普噻音闹哦

This can’t be the way一丝肯笔的喂

we‘re supposed to be哇丝跑丝碧

There’s gotta这丝噶的

be a way to get you close to me笔要喂土给球抠丝碧


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