中文维基: *** 是印度孔雀王朝鼎盛的阿育王时代佛教圣地石柱柱头的狮首图案之一,神圣的 *** 象征着真理与道德,也代表了印度古老的文明。 *** 的24根轴条则可代表一天的24小时,象征国家时时都向前进。
英文维基大意:阿育王脉轮是 *** 的一种,释迦牟尼开悟之后定下了 *** 并传给他的五个弟子,阿育王结合这些创造了阿育王脉轮。轮中24轮辐一半象征了佛祖和缘起(paṭiccasamuppāda)所说的十二重苦难,另外一半象征了无因无果(no cause no effect),体现了涅槃的思想。这24轮辐代表了佛法,同时阿育王脉轮还代表了一天的24小时以及人应当遵守的24戒律,并且象征国家的进步。
When Gautama Buddha achieved enlightenment at Bodh Gaya, he came to Sarnath. There, he found his five disciples Assaji, Mahānāman, Kondañña, Bhaddiya and Vappa, who had earlier abandoned him. He introduced his first teachings to them, thereby establishing the dhammachakra. This is the motive taken up by Ashoka and portrayed on top of his pillars.
The 24 spokes represent the twelve causal links taught by the Buddha and paṭiccasamuppāda (Dependent Origination, Conditional Arising) in forward and then reverse order.The first 12 spokes represent 12 stages of suffering. Next 12 spokes represent no cause no effect. So, due to awareness of mind, formation of mental conditioning stops. This process stops the process of birth and death i.e. nibbāna.It also depicts the “wheel of time".
These 12 in forward and reverse represent a total 24 spokes representing the dhamma. The Ashoka Chakra is depicting the 24 hours of a day and 24 principles that should be present in a human.
Ashoka Chakra was included in the middle of the national flag of India. The circular Ashoka Chakra illustrates the progressiveness of the country.
Ashoka Chakra