藏品规格:长:52cm 宽:29.4m
藏品介绍:李苦禅 拜齐白石为师学国画,成为齐门第一名弟子。白石老人赠其手书云“苦禅(第画笔及思想将起余辈,尚不倒戈,真人品之高即可知矣”;认为“英(苦样)也过我,英也无敌,若老死不事大名,是无鬼神矣”。1925年于北京国立艺术专科学校毕业后任北京师范学校美术专科国画教员,1930年任杭州艺术专科学校教授,抗战初期辞职寓居北京。因平日与爱国志士交往甚密,一度被捕入狱,在狱中坚贞不屈。1946年任北京国立艺术专科学校教授,1950年任中央美术学院附属民族美术研究所研究员。后任该院国画系教授。擅大写意花鸟画,作品继承民族绘画优良传统,并融中西技法为一炉,常以松、竹、梅、兰、菊、石、荷、鱼、鸡、鹰等为题材,具有笔墨厚重豪放,气势磅礴逼人,意态雄深纵横、形象洗练鲜明的独特风格,树立了大写意花鸟画的新风范,长屏巨幅更为世人所瞩目。 Collection introduction: Li Kuchan learned Traditional Chinese painting from Qi Baishi and became the first disciple of Qi.White stone old man gave his calligraphy cloud "bitter Zen (the first brush and thought will rise more than generation, still not revolt, the true character high can know it;Think "English (bitter kind) also lead me, English also invincible, if die without a name, is no ghosts."After graduating from Beijing National Academy of Arts in 1925, he became a teacher of Traditional Chinese painting in Beijing Normal School. In 1930, he became a professor in Hangzhou Academy of Arts. He resigned and lived in Beijing during the early period of the Anti-Japanese War.Because of the daily contact with patriots very close, once arrested in prison, in prison unyielding http://loyalty.In 1946 he became a professor at Beijing National Academy of Art, and in 1950 he was appointed a researcher at the Institute of Ethnic Fine Arts affiliated to the Central Academy of Fine Arts.He later became a professor in the Department of Traditional Chinese painting.Good, spring flowers and birds painting works inheriting national painting tradition, and harmony of Chinese and western techniques as a furnace, often in pine, bamboo and plum, orchid, chrysanthemum, stone, the Netherlands, fish, chicken, the eagle as the subject, with pen and ink, uninhibited, heavy majestic aggressive, investigated the male deep washs practice, image vivid style, set up the new style, and became flowers and birds painting long screen noted more dramatically.