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如何评价Taylor Swift的歌曲《Maroon (Explicit)》?

我的评价是:流行版的holy ground

Taylor swift对颜色的把控绝对是大师级别的。之前的red,很真挚的表达了对爱的强烈感情。正如同名曲唱的那样:loving him was red......burning red。这种红色,不仅热烈,而且激烈、疯狂、强烈、痛苦、温柔。

然而,时过境迁,red发行也有10年了,十年里,她沉淀了许多,去年为版权证明的red tv里她的声音早已不是撕心裂肺了,而是一种感慨,纪念。


跟上一首lavender haze薰衣草梦幻的紫色不同,后者借着这个短语,表达了她愿意坠入20世纪70年代时人们所说的爱河,并与爱人逃离世俗的言语,而前者更像是午夜时小酌一口红葡萄酒。



When the morning came we

Were cleaning incense off your vinyl shelf

‘Cause we lost track of time again

Laughing with my feet in your lap

Like you were my closest friend


How’d we end up on the floor anyway

You say your roommate’s cheap-ass screw-top rosé that’s how

I see you every day now

end up on the floor可以说两人喝葡萄酒喝的伶仃大醉,也可以说坠入情网。接着他说,室友用廉价的开瓶器开了这瓶名贵红酒,不够神圣,可惜了这瓶红酒。rosé这里不难看出,the 1也有同样的描述,"rosé flowing with your chosen family",她也希望他们的爱情像红酒一样回味无穷,更希望Jake是唯一。其实暗示了结局。All too well10分钟MV中有一幕Jake与Taylor与他的朋友聚会,Taylor感觉有些被冷落,可Jake却说好久没见他们了,Taylor哭了,但Jake选择了拥抱了她,摸摸头给予安慰。这两者有许多相似之处。

I see you every day now这里看起来每天见到心上之人很美好,但是会不会有别的意思呢。不难想到,这和holy ground中I see your face in every crowd两者有共鸣,这幕喜剧最终似乎要以悲剧落幕。

And I chose you

The one I was dancin’ with in New York

No shoes looked up

At the sky and it was

Taylor似乎认定了Jake是他的心上人,准备共度余生 。dancing in new york,在纽约一起共舞,很美。但是纽约一定指城市吗?这不一定,纽约更可能是一种意象,指这个摩登时期的爱情,之前的 *** to ny、delicate,i think he knows,cornelia street和hoax还有coney island(这个隐晦一些,但它是纽约著名景点)中都有提及。不难从holy ground想到(尽管两首歌描述的对象不同)“first glance feeling on new york time ”“never looking down ,right there where we stood was holy ground”她更希望那位与她共舞时望向天空,她坚信所立之地是holy ground。这也符合她认为的“it was或者是it was good”

The burgundy on my t-shirt when you splashed your wine into me

And how the blood rushed into my cheeks so scarlet it was

The mark they saw on my collarbone the rust that grew between telephones

The lips I used to call home so scarlet it was maroon



all too well中的提及的dancing around the kitchen in the refrigerator一样秘密,神圣,热烈呢?


When the silence came we

Were shaking blind and hazy

How the hell did we lose sight of us again

Sobbin’ with your head in your hands

Ain’t that the way shit always ends

然而好景不长,两人最终沉默,正如All too well MV中出现的那样两人望向对方,乞求对方更近一步,但还是分崩离析。似乎没了什么共通之处。shaking blind and hazy简单却直接的描述了两人从热烈到灰暗的过程,看不到爱情的甜蜜光芒。Jake此时也难掩悲伤。Ain’t that the way shit always ends 这里是不是有点像holy ground中I guess we fell apart in the usual way那样呢,感情回不到过去了

You were standing hollow eyed in the hallway

Carnations you had thought were roses that’s us

I feel you no matter what the rubies that I gave up

之前在地上你侬我侬,现在Jake却漠然站在走廊里,眼神空洞。最后两句也是高光,与前文对应“用廉价的开瓶器开名贵的红酒”。“我以为我们的爱是真挚名贵的玫瑰,但没想到它只不过是,塑料纸包装的,廉价康乃馨”(有趣的是,carnation不仅代表康乃馨,而且也指淡粉色,肉色,跟rosé的颜色几乎一摸一样,代表她那可想不可及的愿望)。十年前,两人皆是是rubies,但被双方抛弃。但那么多年过去,两者依旧能感受对方(Taylor创作了red tv后,Jake被迫关闭ins评论区。不久后,Jake为时尚杂志发了一条ins,介绍他的照片,配文是Red(Jakes version))

And I lost you

The one I was dancin’ with in New York

No shoes looked up

At the sky and it was maroon

Taylor最终还是失去了Jake。结合前面的歌词,联想到cardigan中写的“try to change the ending,peter losing wendy”。可他离开了,那个holy ground中只有她一人,朝天望去,只见深红悲沉的天空,曾经的scarlet褪成了maroon。holy ground中她曾描述

Tonight Im gonna dance

Like you were in this room

But I dont wanna dance

If Im not dancing with you


The burgundy on my t shirt when you splashed your wine into me

And how the blood rushed into my cheeks so scarlet it was

The mark they saw on my collarbone the rust that grew between telephones

The lips I used to call home so scarlet it was maroon


And I wake with your memory over me

That’s a real *** ing legacy that you see (It was maroon)

And I wake with your memory over me

That’s a real *** ing legacy to leave

在之后的无数夜晚,她不禁会惊醒,回忆是那么真挚,真实,她无数次都想回到过去,可最终只能掩面哭泣。真是一种要命( *** ing)的折磨啊。legacy原意是遗产的意思,这份爱与痛刻骨铭心,无法抽身(to leave),Jake与她交往两三个月,她却记了他一辈子。演唱会时唱All too well时无数次泪崩。


The burgundy on my t-shirt when you splashed your wine into me

And how the blood rushed into my cheeks so scarlet it was maroon

The mark they saw on my collarbone the rust that grew between telephones

The lips I used to call home so scarlet it was maroon

It was maroon

It was maroon

这里便是无限的回忆了,尽管All too well最后她稍稍调侃了下Jake的私生活,但是到了午夜,她会不会想他呢?反正我坚信,尽管有了Joe的无限陪伴,但在那个午夜里,当她创作完maroon的时候,她会想远在一方的Jake,他最近怎样了,也会在自己的what if里想,如果最终与Jake在一起的日子。可惜不会了,她更愿意笑笑,品一杯深红的葡萄酒。

在这之后,她的声音正如scarlet之后的maroon一样,深沉,沙哑,疲惫。褐红色的雾气不断袭来,在Jack Antonoff的制作里,她的声音渐渐融入背景音里去,余味无穷。最终,唱完it was maroon,她终于可以伴随酒意,坠入回忆的梦乡。

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