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cruel summer表达什么(Cruel summer歌词)

“Cruel Summer”讲述了Taylor Swift与 Joe Alwyn关系开始时的脆弱和不确定性。 两人于 2016 年 5 月在 Met Gala 上正式见面,尽管她当时正在与 DJ Calvin Harris 约会,并在不久之后开始见到 Tom Hiddleston。 两人之间的恋情可能很快就开始了,排在 2016 年夏天。此外,泰勒似乎暗示她在本应是 身体关系。

Taylor Swift发行的《Lover》附有一本个人日记,她将 2016 年夏天描述为“世界末日”,总结了这对她来说是多么痛苦。

Taylor Swift的脆弱和这首歌的主题与 2017 年 11 月的曲目“Delicate”相似。



(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)

[Verse 1]

Fever dream high in the quiet of the night.You know that I caught it (Oh yeah, youre right, I want it).

Bad, bad boy, shiny toy with a price.You know that I bought it (Oh yeah, youre right, I want it).



Killing me slow, out the window.Im always waiting for you to be waiting below.Devils roll the dice, angels roll their eyes.What doesnt kill me makes me want you more.



And its new, the shape of your body.Its blue, the feeling Ive got.And its ooh, whoa oh.Its a cruel summer.

Its cool, thats what I tell em.No rules in breakable heaven.But ooh, whoa oh.Its a cruel summer.With you.



[Verse 2]

Hang your head low in the glow of the vending machine.Im not dying (Oh yeah, youre right, I want it).

We say that well just screw it up in these trying times.Were not trying (Oh yeah, youre right, I want it).



[Pre-Chorus 2]

So cut the headlights, summers a knife.Im always waiting for you just to cut to the bone.Devils roll the dice, angels roll their eyes.And if I bleed, youll be the last to know.



Oh, its new, the shape of your body.Its blue, the feeling Ive got.And its ooh, whoa oh.Its a cruel summer.

Its cool, thats what I tell em.No rules in breakable heaven.But ooh, whoa oh.Its a cruel summer.With you.


Im drunk in the back of the car.And I cried like a baby coming home from the bar (Oh).Said, "Im fine," but it wasnt true.I dont wanna keep secrets just to keep you.And I snuck in through the garden gate.Every night that summer just to seal my fate (Oh).And I scream, "For whatever its worth.I love you, aint that the worst thing you ever heard?"He looks up, grinning like a devil.



Its new, the shape of your body.Its blue, the feeling Ive got.And its ooh, whoa oh.Its a cruel summer.

Its cool, thats what I tell em.No rules in breakable heaven.But ooh, whoa oh.Its a cruel summer.With you.


Im drunk in the back of the car.And I cried like a baby coming home from the bar (Oh).Said, "Im fine," but it wasnt true.I dont wanna keep secrets just to keep you.And I snuck in through the garden gate.Every night that summer just to seal my fate (Oh).And I scream, "For whatever its worth.I love you, aint that the worst thing you ever heard?"

(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)


一涉及到这种很“写意”的歌真就是一头雾水。以下前面的是我自己翻译的时候的想法,后面会补一些查询过后的更像人话的内容。想跳过我前面的胡言乱语可以直接从10开始看。“Fever dream high”我就想知道能翻译成啥,我能想到的就是,很嗨的梦?很不切实际的梦?异想天开?“You know that I caught it”是抓住了啥啊?“angels roll their eyes”天使卷起眼睛?翻白眼?“Its blue”蓝色代表忧郁,我只能这么理解了“Hang your head low in the glow of the vending machine.Im not dying”。我的理解是劝对方或是劝自己,不要太强势。示个弱,低下头是不会死的。既然后面是“Im not dying”,我感觉更可能是劝自己吧。“So cut the headlights, summers a knife.Im always waiting for you just to cut to the bone.”额,一头雾水的巅峰。我的理解大概是,夏天这把刀斩断了车前灯,也就是斩断了我们一起走下去的可能,后面的一直在等“cut to the bone”,骨头都切了,是等对方来彻底斩断关系的意思?cruel竟然是这么个curel法,不得不说写的确实好啊。虽然我真的是一头雾水,但那种说不清得感觉真的体现出来了。“Fever dream high”看来还真是个挺“诗意”的用法。诗意指可根据内容与自我理解有多种感悟。一说,“Fever dream”是表示不好的噩梦,这里指代爱情带来的苦,但后面又有个“high”指代爱情带来的甜。整句就指代爱情中的爱恨纠缠使作者迷茫,结合后面的“I caught it”。就是再迷茫中找到了自己真正的心意。还有一说,也是“Fever dream”可以引申为梦幻的经历,有点异想天开那味了。“Killing me slow, out the window”这句确实使没理解上去,MV里翻译的意思是,你慢慢将我折磨致死,然后丢出窗外。但和后面的“Im always waiting for you to be waiting below”是不有点维和啊。背景介绍说,这个在窗下等待是化用了罗密欧与朱丽叶的那个氛围与场景。“roll their eyes”好像还真是翻白眼的意思。但这里就又有2种理解方向,一种是不屑一顾,一种是熟视无睹,好像也都差不多,反正都是不咋在乎的感觉。还有另一种可能是恶魔已经掷出色子开始下手,天使却还在熟视无睹的感觉,这样就与最后的“He looks up, grinning like a devil.”他笑的像一个魔鬼对照上了。哇,这要是特意的设计我不得不对这首歌的看法再上一个而层次。“Hang your head low in the glow of the vending machine.Im not dying”好像确实是想多了,就是单纯的描绘下生活场景的感觉。“We say that well just screw it up in these trying times.Were not trying”这里这个“Were not trying”到底是我们并不艰难但还是把它搞砸的意思,还是我们搞砸了却没有尝试恢复的意思。“trying”单独使应该是尝试的意思吧。但我也不知道英语有没有这种Word Play。前面利用“trying times”表示艰难的日子,后面紧跟的这里单独用个“trying”也表示艰难。后面又多看了下背景,关于他们的感情纠葛,这里应该还是表示没有尝试的意思概率更大。“So cut the headlights, summers a knife.Im always waiting for you just to cut to the bone”这句看来也是理解的十万八千里。有旁白解释说cut the headlights是Taylor Swift常用的比喻来表示在关系中保持神秘感(虽然我也不知道这是怎么联系起来的),后面的“cut to the bone”切到骨头,表示深入了解(了解到深入骨髓,要这么说我感觉还有有点贴切)。“I dont wanna keep secrets just to keep you”这句基本也是没背景没有能理解上去的。大体意思是Taylor Swift的感情生活一直被暴露在公众视野,而这会极大的损害那些感情本身。所以Taylor Swift一直极力隐藏自己的感情生活,但现在就是为了留住你不想再隐藏了。我本来就费解这“secrets ”是啥,因为歌里实在是找不到什么关联的点。但看完背景就豁然开朗。And I scream, "For whatever its worth.I love you, aint that the worst thing you ever heard?"这句又有点原文的差距。我看的背景介绍网站是如上原文。喊得是“无论付出什么我都爱你,你难道你是听过最糟糕得话吗?”还有一版原文是:And I scream For whatever its worth."I love you", aint that the worst thing you ever heard?我无论付出什么都会尖叫得喊出“我爱你”,这难道是你听过最糟糕得话吗?好吧,感觉意思也差不多。又看了一遍,发现我都理解到姥姥家了。但cut to the bone之后觉得这首歌写的更好了。

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