Hey Jude半个世纪传唱不衰背后的故事
Nana na naaa! How Hey Jude became our favourite Beatles song
It’s 50 years since Paul McCartney came up with Hey Jude while driving from London to Surrey – and made a song that’s sung everywhere from football terraces to Oxford colleges. Here’s the story of how it came to be.
距离Paul McCartney在驱车从伦敦到萨里的途中想出Hey Jude这首歌,已经过去五十年了——他写出了一首从足球场到牛津校园到处都在传唱的歌。下面是这首歌背后的故事。
Of all the countless classics the Beatles recorded, Hey Jude is one of the three or four that younger music lovers most want to hear. What is its secret?
在披头士录制的所有数不清的经典歌曲中,Hey Jude这首歌是更为年轻的音乐爱好者最想听的三到四首之一。它的秘诀是什么?
Written by McCartney, Hey Jude bears his signature touch: empathy set to elegance. But then so do a hundred other songs. As McCartney melodies go, it’s direct, slamming straight into its title, just like She Loves You. There’s no chorus – or rather, the chorus opens each verse. The chords McCartney plays on the piano at the start are descending. Even if we didn’t know them so well, they would be as comfy as an old jumper.
Hey Jude这首歌是McCartney创作的,它有着他的标志性印记:激起优雅感受的共鸣。但是一百多首其他的歌也有这样的特点。只要McCartney的旋律响起,它就直接切入了歌名,就像She Loves You这首歌。这首歌没有副歌——或者说,副歌开启了主歌。歌曲一开始McCartney在钢琴上弹奏的 *** 是降调的。就算我们不是很熟悉它们,它们听起来也会像旧毛衣一样舒服。
The tune and the germ of the lyrics came to McCartney in June 1968, when he was driving from London to Weybridge in Surrey to see Cynthia and Julian Lennon after John had left them for Yoko Ono.
这首歌的曲调和歌词的萌芽在1968年6月落到了McCartney的头上,当时他正开车从伦敦去萨里的韦布里奇去见Cynthia 和 Julian Lennon,此前Leonnon为了Yoko Ono离开了他们的乐队。
The fact that McCartney was at the wheel, not doodling on the piano or the guitar, when he wrote the song forced him to keep it simple. It nudged him towards the sort of composition – inclusive, communal, family friendly – that sounds perfect in a group setting.
Back in London, he recorded some demos on the piano. These roots, too, would remain visible: the finished Hey Jude begins as a piano ballad, performed solo for 25 seconds, before building into something more ambitious. As McCartney sang by himself, the words evolved.
回到伦敦,他用钢琴录了一些样带。这些最初的根基,也会一直留下印记:最终版的Hey Jude是以钢琴伴奏开始的,钢琴独奏了大约25秒之后才渐渐地加强变成了一首更有野心的歌。在McCartney独唱的时候,歌词也在不断发展。
Asked why he had changed Jules to Jude, he came out with the songwriter’s all-purpose answer: “because it sounded better”. Perhaps he also wanted to protect Julian’s privacy, or perhaps the reassurance was now pointed at a man in a romantic quandary. (Source: The Guardian)
1、come to 想起
The tune and the germ of the lyrics came to McCartney in June 1968.
例句:The idea came to her.
2、doodle on 随意摆弄,乱涂乱画
…not doodling on the piano or the guitar.
例句:I doodle on the desk.
3、be pointed at 指向
…or perhaps the reassurance was now pointed at a man in a romantic quandary.
例句:The finger of blame was pointed at a passing livestock transport ship.
Lennon和Yoko Ono:
在1966年,小野洋子在卡耐基诵厅第一次表演了她的著名行为艺术作品《切片》。当时小野洋子面对台下众多观众,气定神闲,笔直坐在台上。她对台下的观众说道,“来吧,剪下我的衣服,随便哪里,送给一个你爱的人”。观众们开始犹豫,后来有人沉默地上去用剪刀剪下小野洋子的衣服一块儿,随后陆陆续续有许多人上台排队去剪,最后小野洋子全身 *** 地坐在台上,看着周围的观众。这年小野洋子32岁,而正值当红的约翰列侬正在台下观看她的表演,对这位勇敢和传奇的女子,不仅仅流露出好感钦佩,更有一种神圣崇高的感情,之后开始追求。