


cut back on…削减……-;减少; 缩减

cut back on production 削减产量

cut down 砍倒;削减……

cut down on =cut back on削减……

cut in 插队,插嘴

cut off 切断,中断(电,煤气等)

cut off the electricity /gas /water

*** be cut off from the outside world某人与世隔绝

cut up切碎;伤心

cut out停止,裁剪出

2. 拓展: “up”短语

spring up 突然兴起;迅速出现

break up击碎,破碎,粉碎;分开,分手,分散

build up建立eg: build up one s strength增强体质

bring up抚养长大

clear up打扫干净;天气放晴

give up放弃

stay up熬夜

look up抬头看

look up to *** 尊敬某人

look sth up in a dictionary查字典

make up形成,杜撰,编造,弥补,打扮

make up one’s mind to do sth下定决心做某事

hold up举起,抢劫,交通堵塞

set up建立

turn up,出现,把声音调大

pick up捡起拾起,拿起,收集,整理,承载,偶然获得,学会,索取,付账,赢得,恢复

keep up保持,坚持,维持

keep up with sth赶上

take up占据(时间空间),开始从事,拿起


break down(机器等)出故障,汽车抛锚;谈判通讯等中断;身体垮了;感情控制不住(哭起来,笑起来);(化学物等)分解,瓦解

break in (强盗等)强行闯入;打岔(无被动)

break into 破门而入

break out (战争,火灾等)爆发

break away逃跑,摆脱

break away from从……中摆脱

break up击碎,粉碎,破碎;分手,分散,分离 (书本词组)

break through 突破


take over 接替,接管,接手

take off 起飞;脱衣;开始成名;事业腾飞(career)

take in 吸收;理解;欺骗;把……拿进来

take on呈现take on a new look;承担take on a responsibility;雇佣take on *** ;接纳,受欢迎

take up拿起;占据(时间,空间);开始从事于……

take after 长得像某人

take to doing sth 开始喜欢做某事;开始……上瘾

take sth apart 把某物拆开

take it easy 放心好了

take one’s time 别急,慢慢来

take it seriously 把某事当真

take advantage of----=make use of…利用

5. time词组

at a time 一次

in no time 立刻(不倒装)

at one time 曾经

at no time 绝不 (倒装)

at times 有时候

ahead of time 提前

for the time being 暂时,目前 = at present

from time to time 时不时地

for the first time 第一次( 时间状语,一个句子)

the first time 第一次(连词,连接两个句子)

It’s time for *** . to do sth.

It’s (high) time that *** . did/( should) do sth.

This/It’s the first time that *** has / have done 这是某人第一次做……

It was the first time that *** . had done

There was a time when… 曾经有一段时间(定语从句)

eg:Time is far away when we can get together.

6. a/an + monument +to 类似短语:

a solution to ……的解决办法

a key to……-的钥匙、关键

an invitation to ……的诱因

an answer to ……的答案

an entrances to ……的入口

an introduction to ……的介绍/序言

an approach to ……的方法

an access to ……的通道

7. run词组 注意:run可翻译为褪色(fade)

on the run 躲避,忙碌,不停奔波

run over车辆将……碾过;液体溢出

run into *** = come across *** = run across *** =meet *** by chance偶遇,碰上

run after 追赶……,chase after 追逐……

run away 逃跑

*** . run out of sth. 用光,用完

sth. run out (无被动)

sth. give out (无被动)

*** . use up sth.

sth. be used up

run for 竞选

in the short run 在短期内 in the long run 从长远角度看

8. 拓展:“put”词组

put through ①接通电话②使经历

put off推迟

put out扑灭关(灯);公布,出版

put down写下,记下,放下;镇压

put on穿衣服;增加;上演

put forward提出(建议、计划、主意等)/ 拨快钟表

put aside把……放在一边;储蓄(金钱)

put away把……收拾起来;储蓄金钱

put up张贴~a picture;支起~;留宿一晚;忍受~with sth ;

put up for sale 拿出来出售

9. turn词组

turn to (1)转向…… turn (to the) right/left 向右转/向左转

(2)翻到……turn to page 6 翻到第6页

(3)求助于某人 : turn to *** for help

turn up出现;露面;把音量调高

turn down ①拒绝 ②把音量调低

turn on 打开

turn off 关闭

turn in=hand in 上交

turn out (1)结果是,证明是…… It turns out /proves (to be) +n/adj.

(2)生产出,制造出 turn out cars


turn over 翻转过来

turn away 转身, 撵走

turn a blind eye to对…….视而不见

turn a deaf ear to对……听而不闻

10. in +n+of 词组

in honor of 为纪念;为庆祝; 对……表示尊敬

in memory of 为纪念

in celebration of 为庆祝

in place of 代替

in search of 寻找(未知)

in support of 支持

in need/want of 需要

in case of 以防万一

*** . be in charge of sth. 某人负责,掌管某事(主动)

sth. be in the charge of *** , 某事被某人掌管(被动)

11. Whats+ / +whats

What’s more 此外;而且

What’s worse 情况更糟的是

What if 如果……怎么办?

So what? 那又怎样?

What’s up?怎么了?

What’s on?上映什么?

12. “let”词组

let out

1)放出 把猫放出 let the cat out 反义:let in 让----进来

2) 泄密 let out a secret

3)发出叫喊 let out a cry

let off 1)排放 排放有毒气体 let off poisonous gas

2)放(炮.烟火) 放鞭炮 let off fireworks/firecracker

3)让某人下车 let *** off


let alone 更不用说

let *** alone 不理某人/别管某人

let *** down 使某人失望

let out a secret 泄密

13. in the n. of 词组

in the form of … 以……的形式

in the hope of …怀着……的希望

in the direction of… 朝着……的方向

in the eyes of…在……看来

in the name of…以……的名义


hold out ①递出;拿出 ②伸出 ③坚持;维持

Eg: hold out a roll of toilet paper


Eg: He hold out his hands to express his warm *** to us.


Eg: How long can our food hold out?


hold back ①缩回 hold one’s hand back ②抑制(感情);隐瞒(真相)

hold on ①别挂,等等(电话用语) ②紧紧抓住. hold on to sth

hold up ①举起;拿起②推动③使延误;使停顿

15. “way” 词组:

in this way /by this means/ with this method 用这种方法

in one’s/the way 挡道

in a way 在某种程度上

no way绝不

by the way 顺便问一下

by way of … 途经……

make one’s way (辛苦地)前进,行走,挡住某人的道

make way for…让路给……/ 给……让位
