



Six Effective And Simple Reading Strategies To Help You Read More Effectively

Before Reading


1. Ask QuestionsBefore you start reading a book, you will have a basic idea of what the book is about. The answers to the questions will give you a foundation to build on and something which you’re looking to get out of the book. This means you’re not just reading without an objective, but insteadyou’re actively looking to learn something from the book.

1. 提问在开始读一本书之前,先简单了解书的要旨。通过问一些问题并回答,可以明确读这本书的预期。也就是说,读书是有一定目标和用意的,读书的过程应该是主动推进的。

During Reading


2. Take A Pause After A Difficult SectionPause and think about what was discussedBreak the text into *** aller chunksLook up words which you didn’t understandBuild yourself a short summary of what you readDiscuss what you read with someoneThese steps will make sure you have fully processed and understood this section before you move on.

2. 遇到难的部分时停下来思考一下思考一下这部分主要在讲什么把长篇章分解成几个小部分不理解的词查询释义对于这一章节写一个小结和朋友讨论相关内容以上方法会帮助你充分理解该章节,再继续读下面的内容

3. VisualizeTo better understand what you’re reading, its important to make visual representations of what is being discussed by:Picturing what…might look likeCreating a mental image of a system or a process workingThis will help you remember not only what you read and understood, but how it looks as it is functioning.

3. 视觉化为了更好地理解书中内容,可以尝试将内容视觉化想象书中描述的图景如果是描述系统或程序,则在脑海中想象原理图这样做不仅强化记忆,而且帮助你理解抽象概念是如何实际运作的

4. Make ConnectionsA critical part of learning and understanding something new isto connect it with pieces of information that you already understand.You will already know about certain parts of what you’re reading from previous texts, your own personal experience and other people so you will be able to add to that base.

4. 构建关联在学习理解新知识时,关键在于把新知识和已经习得的知识关联起来。基于之前的阅读、个人阅历和交流,你对书中谈到的部分内容已经有所了解,现在需要把新的知识加入原有的体系中。

5. Take Good NotesThe best way to take notes during reading is:Look for the main ideas and focus on thoseUse words you understandMake the notes as brief as possibleUse simple headings and sub headings to organize your notesConstantly review, add and revise as necessary while you continue to read

5. 做好笔记做读书笔记的方法:用你充分理解的语句尽量精简用简明的标题和次标题来整理笔记在之后的阅读中时常回顾、添加、完善笔记

After Reading


6. Find The Main IdeasWhat was the main message of the book?What do the ideas in this book relate to?What could be the biases of this book?What did this book leave out?The last question will give you the opportunity to find another book to continue your learning, make connections, and continue to read more effectively.

6. 总结主旨这本书主要传达了什么意义?书中涉及的观点使你联想到哪些相关点?该书有哪些值得提高的地方?该书有哪些尚未涉及到的内容?最后一个问题能促使你找到另外一本相关读物,用这种思路进行关联阅读能让你的阅读更高效。
