



· 变形者——有人类变成动物的,也有动物变成人类的,例如《青蛙王子》中,青蛙被施了魔法后需要公主的吻才能变回人形,公主一开始是嫌弃的,后来变回人形后又爱慕的不行,童话故事中也是一个看脸的世界啊。

· 骗子——恶毒的动物会施以诡计,诱骗人类以金钱甚至寿命来换取他们想要的东西,大白君觉得其实这类动物就是潜藏在我们人类内心的贪婪与欲望。

· 信使——这类动物形象较为友善,通常会在某个地点,某个时间出现提醒或者帮助人类即将面对的危险。

· 巫师——特别是那种半人半兽的物种,他们拥有精神与肉体的治愈功能,当然很多形象也是亦正亦邪。

· 怪兽——最耳熟能详的就是奥特曼啦,里面有打不完的怪兽。

· 神——特别那些有动物属性的神祉,例如希腊神话中的pan,山林之神有着一对羊角和一对羊蹄,他们可以创造生命当然也可以剥夺生命。

· 末日的代表——很多电影里面都会有这样一种形象,那就是只要唤醒某种动物,那就代表世界末日的到来。














English version


Throughout the history of human kind around the world animals have been a part of mythology and stories. Animals and humans have fought each other, helped each other and even married and had intercourse with each other. Through these action famous stories have been created and told through generations. The animals play key roles in these stories which are:

· Transformation – when human turns into an animal or when an animal turns into a human. Like the princess and the frog, the princess finds a frog which convinces her to kiss him so he can turn into a prince.

· Trickster – a mischievous animals that tricks people into losing money or into losing their life can sometimes shapeshift into other creatures and humans.

· Mediator – this would be a creature who gives advice to aid the adventure or as a warning to travellers

· Shaman – possess spiritual and healing powers

· Monsters – animals that process powerful strength that cause trouble

· Deity – god like animals that creature life and can take life away

· Chaos – animals that will bring the end of the world

While some of the stories are old, they are very interesting to see how people throughout history use to see the world.

The first animal we will introduce in Jormungandr


From Norse mythology, the name meaning huge monster and also known as the MidgarSerphant. It is the middle child of giantess Angrbooa and Loki, Jormungandr was tossed into the great ocean that encircles Midgard. Jormungandr grew so large that is could surround the earth and grasp its own tail. Legend says when it releases its tail Ragnarok will begin which is the end of the world in Norse mythology. Jormungandr is the arch-enemy of the thunder-god Thor. There is three myths that detail thors encounter with Jormungandr.

Lifting the cat

Thor encounters the serpent in the form of a gaint cat. The giant king Utgaroa-Loki. He challenged the thunder god to lift the cat as a test of strength. But thor is unable to lift such a giant creature as Jormungandr. When Thor manages to lift the cat off the ground, once this was done the giant king tells Thor of his deception and tell thor what a great achievement it was.

Thor’s fishing trip

Thor goes fishing with the giant Hymir. When Hymir refuses to provide Thor with bait, Thor strikes the head off Hymirs largest ox to use as his bait. They row to a point where Hymir often sat and caught flat fish, where he drew up two whales, but Thor demands to go further out to sea, and does so despite Hymirs warnings.

Thor then prepares a strong line and a large hook and baits it with the ox head, which Jörmungandr bites. Thor pulls the serpent from the water, and the two face one another, Jörmungandr dribbling poison and blood.Hymir goes pale with fear, and as Thor grabs his hammer to kill the serpent, the giant cuts the line, leaving the serpent to sink beneath the waves.

The final battle

The last meeting between the serpent and Thor is predicted to occur at Ragnarök, when Jörmungandr will come out of the ocean and poison the sky. Thor will kill Jörmungandr and then walk nine paces before falling dead, having been poisoned by the serpents venom.

While not a lot is known about Jörmungandr that is what makes it more interesting something, so dangerous yet only parts of the serpents is known ,seen as a giant snake that breaths poison but something so big it circles the earth.
