小伙伴关心的问题:where there is ,there is(where there is great love),本文通过数据整理汇集了where there is ,there is(where there is great love)相关信息,下面一起看看。

where there is ,there is(where there is great love)




歌手Pink 1978年出生于美国宾夕法尼亚州,歌手、创作人、舞者。Pink生长于费城郊外一个名为Doylestown的小镇。本名Alecia Moore的她,从小就在擅长吉他的保险业务员父亲教导下,学会许多鲍布狄伦和唐麦克林的歌曲, 而她母亲则是个喜欢把自己打扮得跟个歌手似的新潮老妈。7岁时她因为在夏令营中被顽皮的男孩当众扯下裤子并大喊“看吶!她变成粉红色啦!”, 而从此得到了“Pink”这个绰号。《try》这首歌收录于2012年发行的专辑《Truth about love》中。



这首歌歌词唱的是无论生活中发生什么,不论是受伤害、不被认同、得不到回应都必须努力下去。But just because it burns, doesnt mean youre gonna die,You gotta get up and try,and try, and try. 有希望之处必有试炼。比起失败了就不去尝试,歌词里面唱的即使身处绝境仍然挣扎前进不放弃的态度更值得欣赏。



Ever wonder about what hes doing

How it all turned to lies

Sometimes I think that its better to never ask why

Where there is desire

There is gonna be a flame

Where there is a flame

Someones bound to get burned

But just because it burns

Doesnt mean youre gonna die

Youve gotta get up and try try try

Gotta get up and try try try

You gotta get up and try try try

Eh, eh, eh

Funny how the heart can be deceiving

More than just a couple times

Why do we fall in love so easy

Even when its not right

Where there is desire

There is gonna be a flame

Where there is a flame

Someones bound to get burned

But just because it burns

Doesnt mean youre gonna die

Youve gotta get up and try try try

Gotta get up and try try try

You gotta get up and try try try

Ever worried that it might be ruined

And does it make you wanna cry?

When youre out there doing what youre doing

Are you just getting by? www.ryedu.net

Tell me are you just getting by by by

Where there is desire

There is gonna be a flame

Where there is a flame

Someones bound to get burned

But just because it burns

Doesnt mean youre gonna die

Youve gotta get up and try try try

Gotta get up and try try try

You gotta get up and try try try

Gotta get up and try try try

Gotta get up and try try try

You gotta get up and try try try

Gotta get up and try try try

You gotta get up and try try try

Gotta get up and try try try

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