Going and Gone
Huang Weiqing
Deep in my heart have been enshrines some unforgettable scenes, any of which, when emerging to view, never fails to tug at my heartstrings and make them vibrate with feelings that defy description.
Humdrum days flow like water through my fingers as I go on daily trips to and from work – early departure and late return in such a hurry that little time is left for me to indulge in fanciful thought.
One early morning, however, when I was cycling along the broad Ring Road 3, I happened to look up at the overpass and caught a glimpse of and old man in silhouette – he stood quietly by the railings gazing far ahead. A fine statue he was, bathing in the red rising sun which gilded his hair on the edge. Since then, I had always been mindful every morning I passed there, and would always see a statue of an old man standing above. There was no telling who he was, and what there was in his mind. I could only guess from his thoughtful appearance in such a time and place that he might be going over the fading vicissitudes of his life, or enjoying a broad vista opening up in his mind as he looked down at the inexhaustible flow of traffic below, or contemplating the prospects of his golden old age which was still radiating luster.
Life goes like water flowing. Even young people cannot help singing, “the passing wind, the vanishing dreams, the elapsing days and years”. But what’s going and gone, though often accompanied by sadness, has a beauty of its own. Like the old man in the rising sun, its beauty has a philosophical depth awaiting exploration by resourceful minds.
(陈文伯 译)