



1. Make or buy some dumpling skins. / 自制或者采购饺子皮

Either make your own dumpling skins (see the process above) or buy dumpling skins from an Asian market or the ethnic foods aisle of your grocery store.


Ethnic 这个地方用了问题不大。不过这个词在美国是非常敏感的,经常和歧视关联起来。我们自己用的时候一定要注意,尽量不要说 Ethnic 之类的词。

Grocery store 我翻成了市场。这个其实就是菜市场的意思。Grocery shopping,我们也可以简单地翻译成买菜。当然了,像美国的话基本都是各种超市(就是先拿东西,集中付钱),像我们这里形式的菜市场(各摊位付钱)基本看不到的。

2 Choose a filling / 挑一种陷

Dumplings can be filled with a wide variety of things. You can make your dumplings vegetarian or fill them with ground meat or seafood, according to your tastes. Most dumplings are traditionally filled with a combination of ground meats and finely-chopped vegetables. Here are a few filling ideas:


Ground pork, chopped shrimp, and chopped cabbage / 猪肉白菜馅 (猪肉、虾、卷心菜)

Chopped cabbage, and shaved carrots / 白菜胡萝卜

Chopped shrimp, chopped cabbage, and cilantro / 虾、卷心菜和香菜

Mashed potatoes and mushrooms / 土豆泥和蘑菇

Berries and sugar (for a sweet dumpling) / 浆果(草莓、蓝莓、番茄什么的)和糖



然后这个词记下来吧:ground meat,肉馅的意思。他们超市比我们深加工一些,肉馅都是直接绞好的,不用自己剁。也别剁,太吵了,会被投诉。另外,肉馅可能不只是一种肉的,例如30%牛肉,70%猪肉什么的,价格也不一样。仔细看一看。

Pork 是猪肉的意思,Beef 是牛肉的意思。


3. Fill with desired filling / 放馅

Scoop a *** all amount of the desired filling onto the center of the dumpling. Be sure you have enough to fill the dumpling, but not so much that the dumpling cannot be easily sealed shut. You probably need less filling than you think you need.


这段话还挺有意思的。第一个饺子馅的量怎么控制?我不知道。。。只能说差不多就行。而你看这句英语也是这么说的。但是这个翻译我加了四个字:控制好量。他本来说的完全按照单词和语法翻译是这样的: 要确保放的馅足够撑满饺子;但是又不能太多,要不容易撑破皮。


4 Close the dumplings / 把饺子包起来

Fold the edges of the dumplings towards each other and pinch them together. Be sure no excess flour or meat is in the way of the dough adhering to itself. Pinch the dough tightly across the top, then fold the pinched part towards you to make a crescent-shaped dumpling.


这段话我翻译的时候很搞笑呀。第一个,面皮中间不能有肉或者面粉,确实是如此。新手常犯的错误,当然了,我现在也说不上老手,也经常犯这个错误。原因很简单,粘不紧。然后就是从上往下,towards you,这个可以理解为从外往里的意思,这里延伸了一下。

5 Store the dumplings uncooked / 把吃不了的先收起来

If you are not going to eat all of the dumplings at once, the best way to store them is uncooked, after you have assembled them. Place dumplings on a cookie sheet in the freezer until they are frozen, then transfer them into a large freezer bag or other airtight container. No need to defrost them when you are ready to cook them later.


呵呵,美国人么,好不容易包次饺子,估计就是包一大堆冻起来慢慢吃。freezer bag 就是一个可以塑料封起来的袋子。其他的也没什么好说的,就是这么个翻译方法。


