

前几天,我们介绍了世界各地不同国家的一些特色节日。比如Bonfire Night (篝火之夜),Chu Suk (秋夕),Diwali (排灯节)等。这些节日,不同民族的人们都有不同的风俗活动,今天我们就进一步来了解这些节日活动(Festival Activities)。

People carry lanterns to celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival. 人们提着灯笼来庆祝中秋节。Josh and his family eat turkey and pumpkin pie at Thanksgiving. 乔什和他的家人在感恩节吃火鸡和南瓜派。People give flowers and cards to loved ones on Valentines Day. 人们在情人节给爱人鲜花和卡片。Lets go to see snow statues and ice sculptures in Sapporo. 让我们去札幌观赏雪雕和冰雕吧。Many Iranians light bonfires to celebrate Yalda. 很多伊朗人点燃篝火来庆祝雅尔达节。 Do you make offerings to ancestors at Ching Ming Festival? 你会在清明节祭奠先祖吗?Brad loves to set off fireworks during Chinese New Year. 布拉德喜欢在春节放烟花。I stay up past midnight on New Years Eve. 我在除夕熬夜(守岁)。Amy loves to carve pumpkins at Halloween. 艾米喜欢在万圣节雕刻南瓜。Jason and his family decorate Christmas trees at Christmas. 詹森和他的家人在圣诞节装饰圣诞树。My family and I eat dumplings at Chinese New Year. 我和我的家人在春节吃饺子。Most Christians go to church during Easter. 大部分基督徒在复活节期间去做礼拜。Many Idians light candles during Diwali. 很多印度人在排灯节点蜡烛。Poeple perform dragon dances at Chinese New Year. 人们在春节舞狮。Erica and her friends sing Chirstmas carols every Christmas Eve. 埃丽卡和她的朋友们每个平安夜都会唱圣诞颂歌。Liz and her brother always watch Dragon Boat races together. 丽兹和她的弟弟总是一起看赛龙舟比赛。My sister and I like to wear costumes at Halloween. 我姐姐和我喜欢在万圣节穿上戏装。

