


The Great Wall is the name for a wall.长城是一堵墙的名称It first comes from the time of the Qin Dynasty.它最早起源于秦朝Shihuangdi wanted to protect China's northern border.史皇帝想守护中国的北部边疆So he ordered his soldiers to build walls along the border所以他就命令他的士兵去建造一座沿着边界的城墙 Today's Great Wall is different from the old one, it comes from the time of the Ming Dynasty.现在的长城和原来的那个可不一样,它起源于明代 On that time, the soldiers could march on the top of the wall.在那个时候,士兵们可以在长城上行军Now it is a good place to visit.现在,这是一个旅游的胜地你看这样行吗??


What impresses me most in Beijing is the Great Wall which is one of the greatest projects in the world。

It's not only the cultural heritage, but also a symbol of China。 "It's glorious。" I think。

It looks like a big dragon running across the mountainous area。

It starts Shanhaiguan in the east to Jiayuguan in the west。

It's so long that nobody can walk from the beginning to the end。


A symbol of ancient Chinese civilization, the Great Wall of China is one of the world’s oldest and most magnificent man-made scenes, which can even be seen from the space. Given its outstanding architectural achievement and remarkable historical influence, the Great Wall was listed as a UNESCO World Natural and Cultural Heritage site in 1987, the first of its kind in China.

The Great Wall was originally built over 2500 years ago during the West Zhou Dynasty, and served as a functional military defense to prevent the invasion of the northern nomadic minorities. It had been playing a crucial role in wars in ancient Chinese history, therefore, the walls were continually to be extended in the next 2000+ years, till the end of Ming Dynasty.

As a result, the Great Wall was expanded to 15 provinces and municipalities in China, and formed in a beautiful shape of \Long\ (Chinese style dragon)


Kitty: May Day is coming.Where will you go on the holiday?


Alice: I will go to Beijing with my parents.


Kitty: Great! You can visit many places of interest there, the Palace Museum, the Great Wall, ...


Alice: What is the Palace Museum like?


Kitty: It is large.There are many big houses in it.All the houses are red and yellow.It is really wonderful.


Alice: Really? I will enjoy my visit there.



My dear friends,

Hello, everyone. There are many ancient buildings and cultures in Beijing, and the Great Wall is one of them. The Great Wall has a long history, experienced the bapti *** of war, preserved historical testimony.

We should protect it so that our children and grandchildren can always see this great military building.

the great wall要全大写吗?

the Great Wall 长城

其中,定冠词the不用大写。Great Wall 首字母要大写。因长城既是地名,更是专有名词,长城是中国唯一拥有,也是世界唯一的。所以首字母大写。


1, 一句话首字母大写。

如,You are a doctor.



Zhang wenming,Beijing,Great Wall





用于修饰长城的英语形容词有很多,如:old和ancient表示古老的,great和magnificent表示雄伟壮观的,tall和giant表示高大的等等。还有如:wonderful, fantastic等形容词都可以用于形容长城。
