



What does the festival mean?


The Year of the Pig:猪年Zodiac [zəʊdiæk]:十二生肖

During Chinese New Year, China is dominated by iconic red lanterns, loud fireworks, massive banquets and parades. In 2019, it is the Year of the Pig according to the Chinese zodiac, which features a 12-year cycle with each year represented by a specific animal.


What do people do during the Spring Festival?


Rejoicing [rɪdʒɔɪsɪŋ]:喜庆,欢庆Festivity:节日气氛,欢乐Couplet [ˈkʌplət]:对联Calligraphy [kæˈlɪɡrəfɪ]:书法

People decorate their rooms featuring an atmosphere of rejoicing and festivity. All the door panels will be pasted with Spring Festival couplets, highlighting Chinese calligraphy with black characters on red paper. The content varies from house owners wishes for a bright future to good luck for the New Year.


Scroll:卷轴Antithetical [ˌæntɪθetɪkl]:对偶的,对立的Correspondence:符合,对应;相关

The first line (upper scroll) and the second line (lower scroll) have parallel structures and antithetical meanings. There must be a one-to-one correspondence between the two lines. The tone pattern is emphasized but rhythm is not important. The horizontal scroll is a four-character phrase, which sums up the two lines’ meaning.

除夕之夜,看春晚也是一项必不可少的活动。央视春晚还曾以十亿多的观众数,创造了吉尼斯世界纪录。其中,“春晚”的英语是“Spring Festival Gala”,但近年也越来越多直接用汉语拼音“Chunwan”表达。

Gala [ɡɑːlə]:盛会,演出,庆典Abbreviate [əˈbriːviːeɪt]:简称

The CCTV New Years Gala, also known as the Spring Festival Gala, and commonly abbreviated in Chinese as Chunwan, is a Chinese New Year special produced by China Central Television (CCTV).


Upside down:颠倒Homophonic [ˌhɒməfɒnɪk]:谐音

The Chinese character "fu" means blessing or happiness. “Fu” can be pasted normally or upside down, for in Chinese the "reversed fu" is homophonic with "fu comes", both being pronounced as "fudaole."

当然,讨红包也是极具吸引力的习俗。据说红色可以辟邪驱魔,象征着吉祥如意,auspicious [ɔːspɪʃəs] 表示“吉利的”。

Red envelope/lucky money:红包Ward off:避开

Red envelopes are gifts presented at social and family gatherings such as Chinese New Year. The red color of the envelope symbolizes good luck and is a symbol to ward off evil spirits.


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