


China’s Epic Journey from Poverty to Prosperity(10)


Exponential advances have been made in science and technology. The dream of moderate prosperity has been realized with the support of science and technology.

In the early years of the PRC, even matches and nails had to be imported. Now great successes have been achieved in quantum information, iron-based superconductors, neutrinos, stem cells, brain science and other frontier fields. Major breakthroughs have been made in a large number of strategic high technologies, including manned space flight and lunar exploration, the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System, manned deep-sea submersibles, high-speed railways, 5G mobile communications, and supercomputing. China is now a leader in innovation, building greater strengths in science and technology. China completed its BeiDou Navigation Satellite System, inaugurated the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope (FAST), and developed a broad spectrum of deep-sea exploration equipment such as the underwater glider Haiyi, the deep-sea submersible Qianlong, the research vessel Tansuo, the unmanned submersible Haidou, and the underwater robot Haixing. The manned submersible Fendouzhe completed a test dive to a depth of 10,000 meters. In such fields as C919 airliners, high-speed railways, third-generation nuclear reactors, and renewable energy vehicles, China’s progress attracted worldwide attention.

科技广泛应用于生产领域,创新驱动发展成效显著,科技进步贡献率超过60%。科技显著提升治理水平,数字 *** 、数字社会、数字乡村、智慧城市、“互联网+政务服务”等加快普及,网格化网络化智能化治理渐成常态。科技深刻改变人们的生活,网络点餐购物、移动扫码支付、网约车出行、共享单车出行、线上办公、在线教育、远程医疗、智能家居等,给人们带来的不仅是更多的便利,还有更充分的自由、更全面的发展。

Science and technology are widely applied in manufacturing. Innovation-driven development has made serious headway. Advances in science and technology have contributed to over 60 percent of economic growth.

Science and technology have also raised the capacity of governance by a substantial margin. The application of digital technology is fast expanding in government, the countryside and society at large, in forms such as *** art cities and internet-based government services. A grid-based social management network and *** art governance are gradually penetrating daily life.

Life has changed significantly because of science and technology. As more people turn to online education, shopping, food ordering, mobile payments, ride hailing, bike sharing, telecommuting, remote medicine, and *** art homes, they now enjoy greater convenience, more choices, and a fuller life.


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