





off year

这一解释出于《汉英大辞典》,off year是目前使用最普遍的翻译,但是这个翻译却并不贴切,因为off year在英文解释中表示“非大选年”的意思,被中国人转义为“小年”,同时off year在英文中还指果树、竹子的歉收年,所以off year的译法与我们中国小年的祭灶习俗等活动完全是风马牛不相及。

a lunar year


在《汉英词典》中出现的对于小年的解释:festival on the 23rd or 24th of the 12th month of the lunar year, when sacrifices are made to the kitchen god 意思是节日,腊月二十三或二十四日,旧俗这天祭灶。

Lunar year in which the last month has 29 days is every year lunar calendar in December 23 or 24, it is the start of the entire Spring Festival celebration. There are many famous activities and customs during this time such as sweeping dust, offering sacrifice to the God of the Kitchen, writing couplets, cutting window paper and so on.


Offering Sacrifice to the God of Kitchen


Lunar Year (in which the lastmonth has 29 days) is also called the Kitchen God Festival. People will offer candy, fruit, water to the Kitchen God in order to pray for safety and happiness in the coming new year.

Chinese families believe that the Kitchen God returns to Heaven on this day to report on the activities of every household over the past year to his superior, the Jade Emperor, who will either praise or punish the family based on the Kitchen Gods report. Families often offer sweet foods like candy in order to "bribe" the Kitchen God into saying good things about the family.

中国家庭相信这一天灶王爷要上天向玉皇大帝禀报这家人的善恶,让玉皇大帝赏罚。因此人们在灶王像前的桌案上供放糖果等祭品来“ *** ”灶王爷。

Sweeping Dust


During this time, its only a fewdays until the Spring Festival. So every family will clean their rooms, whichis called sweeping dust. It is believed that evil things can be swept away by doing this.

In Chinese, the character for "dust" is a homophone of the character for “the old”. By giving the house a thorough cleanse on the day, Chinese people believe that this would rid them of their poverty and bad luck from the previous year, so as to *** a prosperous new year.


Cutting Window Paper


Among all the preparation activities for the new year, cutting window paper is the most popular one. The content of the window paper includes animals, plants and famous folk stories.

In the Little New Year, old couplets and paper-cuts from the previous Spring Festival are taken down, and new window decorations, New Years posters, and auspicious decorations are pasted up.


Bathing and Cutting Hair


Both *** s and children need to bath and cut their hair at this time. One of the old saying goes, with or without money, cutting hair to celebrate the new year.


The ancient Chinese believed that a haircut in the first month of the Lunar New Year would bring bad luck. People usually wait until the second lunar month to have their hair cut again... In order to fit into the new clothes for the festival, a haircut is highly recommended beforehand.

