






新中国第一次考古发掘从这里起步。远古时期,这里是共工氏族聚居之地。这里有共城文化、仰韶文化、龙山文化遗存及大量殷商、战国、汉代历史古迹;从辉县出土的“子龙鼎”与司母戊鼎一圆一方,相映成辉,堪称中华青铜国宝中的绝世双璧。 600 余年历史的百泉药交会享誉中外……辉县境内有百泉、琉璃阁等全国重点文物保护单位7处,每一处都有您想感知的厚重历史,每一处都有您想探寻的闪光记忆。




八百里太行把最美的风景留在了河南、留给了辉县。辉县有5A级景区八里沟,山清水秀,碧水丹崖,在这里您可以登红岩绝壁,赏峡谷云海,望流泉飞瀑;4A级景区万仙山,群峰竞秀、层峦叠嶂,挂壁公路绝壁长廊、中华影视村郭亮等景点吸引着众多的中外游客;素有“中州颐和园 北国小西湖”之称的3A级景区百泉湖开凿于商代,是河南省最大、保护最好的古园林建筑群;一批A级景区还有白云寺国家森林公园、关山国家地质公园、万仙山国家攀岩公园和2家省级旅游度假区……得天独厚的旅游资源使辉县成为国家级旅游业改革创新先行区,成功入选“2020年中国县域旅游发展潜力百强县市”……







Huixian is a good place, few in China, rare in the world.

Huixian is located on the south of Taihang Mountains, the northwest of Henan Province. It has an area of 2007 square kilometers. The population reaches 92 thousand. The weather is nice and the four seasons are distinctive. It is full of natural bestows, talented people, fertile soil and sufficient local products and harvests.

Hello, everyone. I am Liu Junwei, the Party Secretary of Huixian in Henan Province. I am honored to recommed you this indulging south Taihang Mountains, dynamic new Huixian.

Huixian in Henan is a northern town in China. Why would the poet send out such praise? Today,I will show you her charms!

Huixian Springing from a Long Course of History

The first archaeological excavation in new China started from here. In the Age of Teras, here is family Gonggong’s gathering place. Here it remains Gongcheng culture, Yangshao culture, Longshan culture as well as a large numbers of ancient historical records of Shang Dynasty, the Warring State and Han Dynasty. The unearthed Zilong cauldron Simuwu cauldron, round and rectangular echo to each other. They are so called one of a kind double jades among Chinese bronze national treasures. Over 600 years Baiquan Medicine Trade Fair is world-renowned. Within Huixian there is Baiquan, Liuli Pavilion, in total of seven national key relic protection units. You can find the history profound at every unit. You can explore the glorious memory at every unit.

Huixian, Coming from the Beautiful Poem

Spring water is flowing day and night, eventually flows into the Qishui River. In The Book of Songs, there are poems depicting Huixian. Ji Kang from Wei Dynasty, Ruan Ji from West Jin Dynasty, Jia Dao from Tang Dynasty, Su Shi from Song Dynasty have left great works at Huixian. The accumulation of profound culture has nurtured this cultural fertile land. It brightens the name card of Huixian, “hometown of Chinese poetry”, “hometown of Chinese calligraphy”

Huixian, Coming from Beautiful Mountains and Rivers

Taihang Mountains with eight hundred miles left the most beautiful landscape in Henan, for Huixian. Huixian has AAAAA tourist attraction such as Bali Ditch, which has lush mountains and elegant water, green river and red cliff. You can climb up the red stone cliff here, appreciate gorge and ocean of clouds, overlook the flowing spring and flying waterfall. At AAAA level tourist attraction, Mount Wanxian, mountains compete with each other, hills range upon range. Roads on the cliff is the long corridor. Tourist attractions such as Chinese movie village, Guoliang attracted numerous visitors worldwide. The one so called the Summer Palace in central plains, Lake Xihu in the northern state, AAA level Baiquan Lake was dig in Shang Dynasty at first. It was the largest, most well-protected ancient garden and architecture cluster in Henan Province. A batch of A-levels tourist attractions including Baiyun Temple National Forest Park, Mount Guan National Geopark, Wanxian Rock Climbing Park and 2 other provincial-level touri *** and vocation resort. Advantageous touri *** resource allows Huixian to become the pioneer district for implementing the reform and innovation of national touri *** industry. It was successfully selected as the “2020 Top 100 County and City with Potentials in County Touri *** ”.

Huixian, Coming from the Pragmatic Traditions

In the last 60s to 70s, our pioneers created the miracle that is “Huixian people do good job”. There rises the Hui spirit which is “credible, determined to be pragmatic, never change under difficulties”. People at Huixian continue to carry forward the spirit, overcome one difficulty after another while forging ahead, enthusiastioally walking on the broad road of social civilization and advancement.

Huixian, Coming from the Tide of Reform and Innovation

Huixian has successively achieved honored titles like the National Scientific Advancement Advanced County, National Cultural Advanced County, National Fine Wheat Production Base,National Animal Hu *** andry Ecological Development Demonstration County, National Edible Mushrooms Industrialization Demonstration County and so on. The daily production scale of edible mushrooms at Starway,the sales volume of toasted bread from Miduoqi ranked top in Asia. The steering gear from Guangrui vehicle, engine springs of vehicle from Huihuang Springs occupy 80% of the Chinese market. The inner high-pressure shaping technique from Xingdi Forge and Press is leading in China. Xiafeng Electronics Direct-dirven screw pump fill the blank of the industry.

Current Huixian is walking on the new journey of building Chinese characteristic sociali *** in the new age. Huixian keep a foothold on the “strong city in transition, cultural and tourist famous city, transportation vitalizing city, ecosystem beautifying city”. It focuses on three supporting industry “cultural and tourist well-being, high-end equipment manufacture, ecological food processing”. It accelerates the building of “innovative and energetic Huixian, cultural and tourist well-being of Huixian, beautiful and *** art Huixian, civilized and happy Huixian.” It is working hard write a fantastic chapter of great Huixian in the central plains of the new age.

I am Liu Junwei, the Party Secretary of Huixian in Henan Province. On behalf of 9.2 thousand of hospitable Huixian people sincerely invite people around the world to walk close to the south Taihang Mountains and gather at the new Huixian.
