单从歌词来分析,Hozier的用意比批判某些宗教对 *** 的态度要广而深得多。
根据Hozier的访谈,这首歌关注的是sex、love和humanity。Love和sex/sexuality(包括sexual orientation)作为humanity的一部分,是完全自然与私人的,而歌词直接针对的Christian Church则试图干涉人们的love与sex,从而招致undermine humanity的后果。
歌词并没有直接关注 *** 者,据称是MV的导演选择特别关注 *** 者权益,同时对俄国的LGBT现状作出谴责。
歌词从头到尾涉及了两个上帝,两种信仰。其一是对Christianity(或者更广泛的organized religion)的信仰,另一个是对首句提到的 lover的信仰(通过love和sex去信仰)。歌词中大部分段落都要从这两方面去阐释。
I was born sick, but I love it. 这句话自然可以从 *** 的角度来理解(homosexuality = sin)。但Hozier的用意不会止于此(而且他是直的)。此句应是对前文"We were born sick." You heard them say it.的呼应,born sick应指基督教义所教导的原罪观,是教堂强加在人们身上的shame。we all heard them say it.
If Im a pagan of the good times. My lovers the sunlight. To keep the goddess on my side. She demands a sacrifice. 对Pagani *** 没有了解,但这一段应该可以理解为对lover的爱与奉献。如前所述,Hozier选择了对lover的信仰,而拒斥了对church的信仰。Lover即他选择的宗教中的上帝(goddess),这个宗教也需要献祭(sacrifice)。
To drain the whole sea, Get something shiny. 没发现有什么典故。
Something meaty for the main course. Thats a fine looking high horse. What you got in the stable? 这一段话转而对church进行嘲讽。可以理解为这里有两处wordplay。
字面:Something meaty(有肉的) for the main course(主菜). 深层: Something meaty(有料的) for the main course(大众). 喻指教堂对人们的说教。
字面: Thats a fine looking high horse(马). What you got in the stable(马厩)? 深层: Thats a fine looking high horse(居高临下的态度). What you got in the stable(耶稣降生于马厩)? 表达对某些宗教人士居高临下、充满道德优越感的嘲讽。
人们都有对信仰的渴求(Weve a lot of starving faithful),接下来的That looks tasty. That looks plenty. This is hungry work. 可以理解为暗指对lover的信仰(通过sex),也可以继续理解为针对Christian Church(something meaty、圣餐),hungry work承接starving faithful与sacrifice。This可以理解为两种不同的信仰。
Offer me that deathless death. 此句也可以从两种不同信仰的角度来理解。
对lover的信仰:“I found the experience of falling in love or being in love was a death, a death of everything. You kind of watch yourself die in a wonderful way, and you experience for the briefest moment – if you see yourself for a moment through their eyes – everything you believed about yourself gone. In a death-and-rebirth sense.”(Hozier在The Irish Times的访谈)
In the madness and soil of that sad earthly scene. 整个最后一段指对lover的信仰,只有在对lover的love与sex(that sad earthly scene)中,在这被某些人视为madness却世俗而又自然真实的的行为中,Hozier才能感到人性与洁净。Soil可以理解对earthly的呼应,暗指对lover的信仰是真正down to earth的。
个人对基督教的了解非常浅,对歌词的理解严重借鉴了Genius的解读Hozier – Take Me to Church Lyrics欢迎批评指正。
对Hozier的访谈参见Q&A: Hozier on Gay Rights, Sex, & Good Hair -- The Cut
Hozier’s soaring voice and searing heart