【单词】infatuation [ɪn,fætʃueʃən] 迷恋
【例句】Shaw’s infatuation with the actress is evident in his writing. 萧对那位女演员的迷恋在他的著作里表现得十分明显。
【例句】Well, it may just turn out to be an infatuation that may fizzle out sooner than you realize. 嗯,那最终或许只是一时的迷恋——爱火在你意识到之前就迅速冷却。
【例句】Infatuation is a temporary feeling lasting, on average, from 3 to 12 months, when most people mistakenly define it as love. 迷恋是一种短暂的感觉,平均只能持续3到12个月,大多数人会把这误认为是爱情。
【词组】be infatuated with 迷恋
【例句】John had become infatuated with the French teacher. 约翰迷恋上了那位法语老师。
【例句】be infatuated with a woman; 迷恋一个女人
【单词】affection [əfɛkʃən] 喜爱
【例句】Their father never showed them much affection . 他们的父亲对他们从来没有表现出多少慈爱。
【例句】She looked back on those days with affection . 她深情地回顾那些日子。
【例句】They do not live together ever since marriage, not mentioning conjugal affection. 婚后他们没有一起生活,更谈不上夫妻感情。
【单词】sentiment [sɛntɪmənt] 情绪,情感
【例句】There’s no place for sentiment in business! 做生意哪能感情用事!
【例句】In everyday English, people usually say feeling rather than sentiment . 在日常英语中,人们一般说feeling,而不说sentiment
【词组】market sentiment市场情绪;市场气氛;市场人心
【词组】public sentiment公众意见;公众的情绪
【词组】Sentiment Analysis 情感分析
【单词】passion [pæʃən] ***
【例句】His eyes were burning with passion. 他的眼中 *** 燃烧。
【例句】her passion for a married man 她对一名有妇之夫炽烈的爱。
【例句】He spoke with considerable passion about the importance of art and literature. 他激动地谈起艺术和文学的重要性。
【例句】his passion for football 他对足球的热爱
【词组】have a passion for对…有强烈的爱好
【例句】If you have a passion for nothing, you have no life at all. 如果你对什么都没有 *** ,那么你就从来没有活过。
【单词】emotion [ɪmoʃən] 情感
【例句】She was good at hiding her emotions. 她很会掩饰自己的情感。
【例句】Sara listened with mixed emotions. 萨拉听着,百感交集。
【例句】Dont hold your emotion in, cry if you want to. 别抑制你的情感,想哭你就哭一通吧。
【词组】emotion quotient (EQ)情商
【词组】Emotion Management 情绪管理