

PUNK, 是兴起于1970年代的一种反摇滚的音乐力量。 PUNK在中国大陆译作"朋克"; 在台湾译作"庞克", 香港则叫作"崩"。 从最早由Leg McNeil於1975年创立《PUNK》杂志,之后由Sex Pistols将此音乐形成潮流距今已有近30年历史了。

今天的主角是来自美国的艺术家Susan Beatrice(苏珊 比阿特丽斯),现居住于新泽西州,在废弃的老式钟表上面,利用宝石和钟表小零件,创造了一系列令人惊叹的手工雕塑作品。

Susan Beatrice is an artist who recycles old vintage watch parts and turns them into beautifully intricate sculptures. steampunk art by Sue Beatricesteampunk art by Sue Beatricesteampunk art by Sue Beatrice

steampunk art by Sue Beatrice

steampunk art by Sue Beatrice

steampunk art by Sue Beatrice

steampunk art by Sue Beatrice

steampunk art by Sue Beatricesteampunk art by Sue Beatrice

steampunk art by Sue Beatrice

Using the *** allest components from repurposed antique pocket watches and other time pieces, New-Jersey based artist Sue Beatrice of All Natural Arts assembles curious sculptures of animals and human figures.


steampunk art by Sue Beatrice

steampunk art by Sue Beatrice

steampunk art by Sue Beatrice

Susan Beatrice, owner of All Natural Arts, creates AMAZING designs from watch parts and other objects. Check out her FB page and request your own unique, custom design. Her work is beautiful!

Pocket watches may be a thing of the past, but they are in no way any less beautiful. Sinister Pumpkin Patch was created by Sue Beatrice. Whats so amazing is that everything you see is recycled watch and pocket watch parts. The pumpkins are turned over 1800 pocket watch stem heads, the trees are watch stems for the wrist bands, this is majority all watch pieces with a little bit of her incredible sculpturing included.

Steampunk Watch Part Sculptures by Sue Beatrice watches steampunk sculpture recyling assemblageSteampunk Watch Part Sculptures by Sue Beatrice watches steampunk sculpture recyling assemblageMore fantastic art that you can wear from wonderful artist Sue Beatrice

Steampunk Watch Part Sculptures by Sue Beatrice

Steampunk Watch Part Sculptures by Sue BeatriceSteampunk by Sue Beatrice

Sculptures Made From Recycled Watch Parts by: Sue BeatriceSteampunk Pocket Watch Jewelry by All Natural Arts, SUE BEATRICE.


