

这首歌1945年被创作,原唱是Vaughn Monroe,作词是Sammy Cahn,作曲是Jule Styne。

Vaughn Monroe(沃恩·威尔顿·门罗),于1911年10月7日出生在俄亥俄州的阿克伦(Akron),不久之后全家搬到了威斯康星州。门罗很早就表现出了吹小号的天赋,并且把他早期的大部分努力都集中在这方面。门罗想成为一名歌剧演员,但经济大萧条使这一职业变得不切实际。相反,他以歌手的身份在几个乐队中演唱,其中包括奥斯汀·威利(他后来为阿蒂·肖工作)、拉里·芬克(他的首张唱片就是为这个乐队制作的)和杰克·马沙德。是马绍尔意识到了门罗的才华,把他从铜管乐区带了出来,并让他成为了一名指挥。在马绍尔和其他许多人的敦促下,门罗于1940年成立了自己的管弦乐队。RCA Victor立即和他签了合同。从1940年到1954年,他创作了70多首热门歌曲。(来自IMDB翻译)



Oh, the weather outside is frightful,

But the fire is so delightful,

And since weve no place to go,

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

It doesnt show signs of stopping,

And Ive brought some corn for popping;

The lights are turned way down low,

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

When we finally kiss good night,

How Ill hate going out in the storm;

But if you really hold me tight,

All the way home Ill be warm!

Oh the fire is slowly dying,

And, my dear, were still good-bye-ing.

But as long as you love me so,

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!
