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chinese new year中文什么意思(chinese new year是什么意思中文)

爆竹声中一岁除,春风送暖入屠苏。转眼春节又要到了,春节可不只是the Spring Festival哦,今天皮卡丘教同学们用地道英语拜年,快来学习吧!


the Spring Festival 春节

Chinese New Year 春节

Lunar New Year 春节

对中国人而言,春节是一年之中最隆重的节日,英语国家的人通常用the Spring Festival和Chinese New Year来表示春节,这两种表达的接受度都很高。

此外,lunar可以表示阴历的,因为中国的春节是按农历来计算的,所以我们还可以说Lunar New Year,当然我们也可以在Lunar New Year前面加上一个Chinese,表示中国的春节。


①The Spring Festival is drawing near,children are very happy.


②As we know,Chinese New Year is a special festival for every Chinese.


02、New Year‘s Eve 除夕

New Year‘s Eve/ Lunar New Year s Eve 除夕

The first day of the Lunar New Year 大年初一

The first month of the Lunar Calendar 正月

除夕有除旧迎新的寓意,所以除夕也是中国人十分重视的节日之一。因为eve指的是节假日的前夜,所以除夕用英语来说就是New Year‘s Eve或Lunar New Year s Eve。


Chinese usually enjoy a reunion dinner on New Year‘s Eve.


03、过年不是pass the year

celebrate Chinese New Year 过年

celebrate the Spring Festival 过年

pass是通过,但是过年可不能翻译成pass the year,这是直译。要明白,中国人过年可不是说把这个年过完,真正意思应该是庆祝新年的到来,所以过年的地道表达是celebrate 后面加新年的表达。


He celebrates the Lunar New Year with his parents every year.




putting up Spring Festival couplets 贴春联

New Year paintings 年画

New Year Feast 年夜饭

stick the character of fu 贴福字

set off fireworks 放烟花

lucky money/ red envelope 红包;压岁钱

give Spring Festival greetings 拜年

spring cleaning/general house-cleaning 扫房

special purchases for the Spring Festival 买年货


金玉满堂 Treasures fill the home

生意兴隆 Business flourishes

岁岁平安 Peace all year round

恭喜发财 Wishing you prosperity

心想事成 May all your wishes come true

吉祥如意 Everything goes well

一帆风顺 Wishing you every success

步步高升 Promoting to a higher position

出入平安 Safe trip wherever you go


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