迎春接福 Greet the New Year and encounter happiness
吉祥如意 Good fortune according to your wishes
吉星高照 Fortune will *** ile on you
福寿双全 May your happiness and longevity be complete
身体健康 May you enjoy good health
心想事成 May all your wishes come true
encounter 英 [ɪnˈkaʊntə(r)] 美 [ɛnˈkaʊntɚ] vt. 不期而遇; 遭遇; 对抗; n. 相遇,碰见; 遭遇战; 对决,冲突; vi. 碰见,尤指不期而遇;
longevity 英 [lɒnˈdʒevəti] 美 [lɑnˈdʒevəti] n. 长寿; 寿命;
图源网,侵删办年货 new year shopping
除尘 Chinese spring cleaning
灶王爷 kitchen stove god
剪发 Have Hair Cut
用红色装饰房屋 decorate buildings with lucky red items
除夕夜 Chinese New Years Eve
贴春联 Putting Up Spring Couplets/ Paste spring festival couplets
福“倒”了 Upside-Down Fu
挂红灯笼 hang red lanterns
团圆饭 The Reunion Dinner
守夜 Staying Up Late
看春晚 Watching CCTVs New Year Gala
放鞭炮 set off firecrackers
看烟火 watch fireworks
couplet英 [kʌplɪt] 美 [kʌplɪt] n.相连并押韵的两行诗,对句
gala 英 [ˈgɑ:lə] 美 [ˈgeɪlə] n. 节日; 庆祝; adj. 节日的; 欢乐的;
春节 Spring Festival
中国农历 Chinese lunar calendar
生肖年 Chinese zodiac years
穿新衣 wear new clothes
逛庙会 visit temple fairs
看舞狮 watch lion dance
看舞龙 watch dragon dance
祭祀祖宗 worship ancestors
去庙里祈福求得好运 pray in a temple to receive a year-long blessing
visit the oldest and most senior members of theextended family
calendar 英 [ˈkælɪndə(r)] 美 [ˈkæləndɚ] n. 日历; 历法; 日程表;
zodiac 英 [ˈzəʊdiæk] 美 [ˈzoʊdiæk] n. 黄道带; 黄道十二宫图;
worship 英 [ˈwɜ:ʃɪp] 美 [ˈwɜrʃɪp] vt. 崇拜,尊崇; 爱慕;
extended 英 [ɪkˈstendɪd] 美 [ɪkˈstɛndɪd] adj. 延伸的; 伸展的; 延长的; 扩大的; v. 延伸(extend的过去式和过去分词); 伸展; 延长;
图源网,侵删红包 red envelopes
微信红包 WeChat red envelopes
普通红包 regular red envelope
拼手气红包 red envelope lucky draw
摇一摇抢红包 shake
红包大战red envelope war
元宵节 Lantern Festival
提灯笼逛街 go out at night carrying paper lanterns
猜灯谜 solve riddles on the lanterns
riddles 英 [rɪdlz] 美 [rɪdlz] n. 谜(语)( riddle的名词复数 ); 猜不透的难题,难解之谜;
饺子 Chinese dumplings
春卷 spring rolls
鱼 fish
年糕 glutinous rice cake
长寿面 long noodles
汤圆 tangyuan,glutinous rice balls(filled with sweet red bean paste,sesame paste or peanut butter)
glutinous 英 [ˈglu:tənəs] 美 [ˈɡlutnəs] adj. 黏的,胶质的; 粘;
paste 英 [peɪst] 美 [pest] n. 面团; 糨糊; 肉(或鱼等)酱(作涂抹料或烹饪用); (制作人造宝石的)铅质玻璃; vt. 粘贴,张贴; 以…覆盖于;
sesame 英 [ˈsesəmi] 美 [ˈsɛsəmi] n. <植>芝麻,脂麻;
Paper scrolls are normally put on both sides of the doorway.There are certain strict rules to mirror the words, like if there is a character on the left-hand side that says, sky, for example, there should be won on the right-hand side saying ground, and if there is rain, is wind,if there is red,there is green. So it is kind of a thing that brings good blessing and good wishes for the New Year.春联一般贴在门的两边。词的对仗有很严格的规定,如果左联上有一字,比如“天”。右联就必须有个“地”,“雨”对“风”,“红”对“绿”。因此是希望新年带来祝福和好运。
scrolls [skrəʊlz] n. (常用于录写正式文件的)纸卷( scroll的名词复数 ); 卷轴; 涡卷形(装饰); 卷形花纹;
春联Spring Festival couplets/New Year scrolls/Chinese Couplets/Spring Couplets/Chinese New Year Couplets
上联/下联:first line/second line/upper scroll/lower scroll
横批:horizontal scroll
horizontal 英 [ˌhɒrɪˈzɒntl] 美 [ˌhɔrəˈzɑntl] adj. 水平的,卧式的; 地平线的; [植](枝条)平层的; 同一行业的,同阶层的; n. 水平线; 水平面; 水平位置; 水平的物体;
The cleaning represents a wish to bid farewell to the old year, and *** in new year good fortune. 新年大扫除被称为“扫尘”,代表着一种想要放下旧事,告别旧年,迎接新年的愿望。
Offer sweet foods to Zao Jun,the Kitchen God, in order to “bribe” him into reporting good things about the family. 给灶王爷灶君供上甜食,让他上天为一家人“言好事” 。
The New Years Eve dinner is called reunion dinner, and is believed to be the most important meal of the year. 除夕夜的晚饭又称“年夜饭”,被认为是一年中最重要的一顿饭。
Like people waiting in New York Time Square to see the ball dropping, Chinese people have the custom of staying up late on our New Years Eve to *** our new years arrival. 就像人们在美国纽约时代广场等待新年的大球落下,在中国,也有除夕熬夜迎接新年到来的习俗。
A very old custom is to name the years by one of 12 animals in their zodiac cycle. Many Chinese still believe in astrology and other New Yearsuperstitions.
astrology 英 [əˈstrɒlədʒi] 美 [əˈstrɑlədʒi] n. 占星术; 占星学; 原始天文学;
superstition 英 [ˌsu:pəˈstɪʃn] 美 [ˌsupərˈstɪʃn] n. 迷信; 迷信行为;