


Do you remember when we were two beautiful birds?你还曾记得我们是两只斑斓美丽的鸟儿吗?We would light up the sky when wed fly,当我们挥羽飞行的时候我们点亮了天幕,You were orange and red like the sun when it sets,你曾有着金橘与绯红的颜色就像日落余晖,I was green as an apples eye,我曾有着果绿的颜色好似圣果的瞳眼,You said you loved all the songs that Id sing,你说你爱所有我唱过的歌,Like nothing that youd ever heard,是你从未听过的天籁,And I said I loved you with all of my heart when,我说我倾尽毕生来爱你,We were two beautiful birds,当我们是两只斑斓美丽的鸟儿。


Passenger——《Beautiful Birds》分享歌词:How many roads must a man walk down,一个男人要走多少路,Before they call him a man,才能称得上男子汉?How many seas must a white dove sail,一只白鸽要飞越多少片海,Before she sleeps in the sand,才能安歇在沙滩上?How many times must the cannon balls fly,炮弹要飞多少次,Before theyre forever banned,才能将其永远禁止?The answer, my friend, is blowing in the win,朋友,答案在风中飘荡,The answer is blowing in the wind,答案在风中飘荡,How many years can a mountain exist,一座山峰要屹立多久,Before it is washed to the sea,才能回归到大海?How many years can some people exist,那些人还要生存多少年,Before theyre allowed to be free,才能最终获得自由?How many times can a man turn his head,一个人可以回首多少次,And pretend that he just doesnt see,只是假装他没有看到,The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind,朋 友,答案在风中飘荡,The answer is blowing in the wind,答案在风中飘荡,How many times must a man look up,一个人要仰望多少次,Before he really see the sky,才能看见蓝天?How many ears must one man have,一个人要倾听多少次,Before he can hear people cry,才能听到人们的呼喊?How many deaths will it take,要牺牲多少条生命他才知道,Till he knows that too many people have died,太多的人已经死亡?The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind,朋友,答案在风中飘荡,The answer is blowing in the wind,答案在风中飘荡,The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind,朋友,答案在风中飘荡,The answer is blowing in the wind,答案在风中飘荡。


Bob Dylan《Blowing in the Wind》
