



当天街角流过你声线 Your voice was lingering around the street corner that day

沿路旅程如歌褪变 While the view along the road faded away as the song

忘掉天地仿佛也想不起自己 I forgot about everything including myself

仍未忘相约看漫天黄叶远飞 but i still remember the appointment to see the yellow leaves falling all over the sky

就算会与你分离凄绝的戏 even if i was destined to be apart from you

要决心忘记我便记不起 I would forget it if I decided to

明日天地只恐怕认不出自己 Maybe i couldnt recognize myself the next day

仍未忘跟你约定假如没有死 I still remember the appointment with you as long as i was alive

就算你壮阔胸膛不敌天气 even if your sturdy heart coulnt endure the worldly hardship

两鬓斑白都可认得你 and your hair turned greay I could still recognize you
