

为什么我听到的《sparks fly》和原曲不那样the way you move is like a full on rainstorm你的每一个动作就好似大雨闪电一般飞过我的心间and i'm a house of cards 而我就像一座图版架起的房子般虚弱,轻而易举的被你攻进you're the kinda reckless that should send me run 你是那种能让我放任酷爱的人,我应该避开but i kinda know that i wont get far 但我知道,我就像小电磁铁那样有赖于电场and you stood there in front of me just你就这种站在我的面前close enough to touch距是这般的近,我能碰触到你close enough to hope you couldn't see距是这般的近,假使你不能看清楚what i was thinking of 我已经开始想的事drop everything now 卸下大部份的事吧meet me in the pouring rain 我和你约在倾盆大雨当中kiss me on the sidewalk接吻在街上的绿化带上take away the pain 将大部份的伤痛都带离了我cause i see, sparks fly whenever you *** ile我好似能看到,当你笑容的这时候,火光已经开始盛开get me with those green eyes, baby 小精灵,你绿色生态的眼睛就这种获得了我的心as the lights go down就好似绚烂的灯都相形见绌,something that'll haunt me when you're not around 当你无此我身旁的这时候,很多小东西会荡漾于脑际,无法忘掉cause i see, sparks fly whenever you *** ile我好似能看到,当你笑容的这时候,火光已经开始盛开my mind forgets to remind me 我的偏执忘掉了提醒我他们you're a bad idea 你是一个容易让我兰波的坏想法you touch me once and it's 当你第一次碰触到我的这时候really something 我能感觉到,奇妙的事即将拉开序幕you find i'm even betterthan you imagined i would be你会发现我比你想像中的更幸福i'm on my guard for the rest of the world 我对于外边的世界保持我的小敌意but with you i know it's no good 但,和你在一起的这时候,我却不无牵制and i could wait patiently but 我能Ez2Dj他们的心机,冷静的等待i really wish you would 但,我真的希望你会:drop everything now 卸下大部份的事meet me in the pouring rain 我和你约在倾盆大雨当中kiss me on the sidewalk接吻在街上的绿化带上take away the pain 将大部份的伤痛都带离了我cause i see, sparks fly whenever you *** ile我好似能看到,当你笑容的这时候,火光已经开始盛开get me with those green eyes, baby 小精灵,你绿色生态的眼睛就这种获得了我的心as the lights go down就好似绚烂的灯都相形见绌,something that'll haunt me when you're not around 当你无此我身旁的这时候,很多小东西会荡漾于脑际,无法忘掉cause i see, sparks fly whenever you *** ile我好似能看到,当你笑容的这时候,火光已经开始盛开i run my fingers through your hair我的手掌跨过你纤细的指甲and watch the lights go out 看着夕阳西下就这种的消失在你的闪光下just keep on keepin your eyes on me 瞧瞧你迷人的眼睛一直凝视着我,it's just wrong enough to make it feel right 这种的严重错误,让我感觉这般奇妙lead me up the staircase 在些微的亮光下,将我嘉绍栏杆won't you whisper soft and slow你会柔情的在我床边说着听歌吗?i'm captivated by you baby 你已经彻底吸引住了我的心like a fireworks show 有如烟花般璀璨于swzsdrop everything now 卸下大部份的事吧meet me in the pouring rain 我和你约在倾盆大雨当中kiss me on the sidewalk接吻在街上的绿化带上take away the pain 将大部份的伤痛都带离了我cause i see, sparks fly whenever you *** ile我好似能看到,当你笑容的这时候,火光已经开始盛开get me with those green eyes, baby 小精灵,你绿色生态的眼睛就这种获得了我的心as the lights go down就好似绚烂的灯都相形见绌something that'll haunt me when you're not around 当你无此我身旁的这时候,很多小东西会荡漾于脑际,无法忘掉cause i see, sparks fly whenever you *** ile我好似能看到,当你笑容的这时候,火光已经开始盛开


Jordin Sparks的《Faith》 原曲jordin sparks - faith hey there sad eyes 嘿, 那忧郁的双眸 what's on your mind 你在想些什么 don't look so down 别像看上去那么低落 give it sometime 把一切交给时间 you don't have to be 你没有必要不得不去做一些事 so hard on yourself 那样太为难你他们了 i know the world can be a brutal place 我知道这个世界也许会变成一个非常残酷的地方 please don't let it steal your *** ile away 但求求你千万别让它带走你脸上的笑容 cause when the sky's the darkest 因为, 当天空陷入无穷黑暗的这时候 you can see the stars 你仍能看到星星在闪烁 and when you fall the hardest 当你陷入你人生里最最低谷的这时候 you find how strong you are 你会意识到你是多么多么的坚强 close your eyes 闭上你的眼睛 rest awhile 稍稍让他们放松休息一下 its been a long long day 那将会是非常漫长的一天 so come on baby baby 是的, 就是那样, 小精灵儿 have a little faith 我们要有坚定的信念. let those tears fall 放声大哭吧 you gave it your all 你确实倾尽了你的大部份 it's all you can do 那是你尽可能做的一切 i'll be here for you 我将一直在那里守候着你 and there goes your pride 那将一直是你的骄傲 crushed on the ground 可能会零碎满地 sometimes it takes a wall to tumble down 有这时候, 那会像一面墙那样突然坍塌 for you to see who's gonna stick around 但那样你就能看清楚楚, 谁将一直停留在你的身旁. cause when the sky's the darkest 因为, 当天空陷入无穷黑暗的这时候 you can see the stars 你仍能看到星星在闪烁 and when you fall the hardest 当你陷入你人生里最最低谷的这时候 you find how strong you are 你会意识到你是多么多么的坚强 close your eyes 闭上你的眼睛 rest awhile 稍稍让他们放松休息一下 its been a long long day 那将会是非常漫长的一天 so come on baby baby 是的, 就是那样, 小精灵儿 have a little faith 我们要有坚定的信念. sometimes it gets worse before it gets better (yeah) 有这时候, 在情况好转之前, 麻烦会接踵而来. and it takes so much to be brave 那会需要更多的勇气去坚强 sometimes it feels it'll hurt forever 有这时候, 那会让人感到一生一世的伤痛 but when all the lights begin to fade 但, 当大部份的闪光都开始褪色的这时候 and when the sky's the darkest 当天空陷入无穷黑暗的这时候 you can see the stars 你仍能看到星星在闪烁 and when you fall the hardest 当你陷入你人生里最最低谷的这时候 you find how strong you are 你会意识到你是多么多么的坚强 close your eyes 闭上你的眼睛 rest awhile 稍稍让他们放松休息一下 its been a long long day 那将会是非常漫长的一天 so come on baby baby 是的, 就是那样, 小精灵儿 have a little faith 我们要有坚定的信念. so come on baby baby 是的, 就是那样, 小精灵儿 have a little faith 我们要有坚定的信念.
