I cant live the end of the world, but Ill stay with you until your heart stops. 我活不到世界末日, 但我会陪你到心跳停止。 You are not the best but you are better than nothing 你不是最好的 但是有你 却比什么都好 I do not expect you to like me, just hope not hate me just fine. 我不奢望你喜欢我 只希望不要讨厌我就好 You are not the best but you are better than nothing 你不是最好的 但是有你 却比什么都好 You are not the best but you are better than nothing 你不是最好的 但是有你 却比什么都好 Tathagata is not necessarily bad text Wenya not necessarily true 大大咧咧不一定坏 文文雅雅不一定真 There is a kind of happiness called girlfriend boyfriend boyfriend 有一种幸福叫做 女朋友管着 男朋友惯着 Everyone who says they dont want to fall in love is filled with a loved one. 每一个嘴上说不想谈恋爱的人 心里都装着一个深爱的人 有时候不是对方不在乎你 而是你把对方看得太重 有时候总感觉别人忽略了自己 其实可能是自己太闲了 人生最大遗憾莫过于错误坚持和轻易放弃。 The past does not love, the future does not *** , the present does not live, so good. 过往不恋,未来不迎,当下不负,如此安好。 The past does not love, the future does not *** , the present does not live, so good. 过往不恋,未来不迎,当下不负,如此安好。