

求一首歌大写歌,每一拉丁字母都唱出两个单字如"A" is apple "B" is ……,较好听的!你找的好似是那个a is for apple a is for apple a a apple ,b is for ball b b ball,c is for cat c c cat,d is for dog d d dog,e is for elephant e e elephant,f is for fish f f fish,g is for gorilla g g gorilla,h is for hat h h hat,i is for igloo i i igloo,j is for juice j j juice,k is for kangaroo k k kangaroo,l is for lion l l lion,m is for monkey m m monkey,n is for no n n no,o is for octopus o o octopus,p is for pig p p pig.q is for question q q question,r is for ring r r ring,s is for sun s s sun,t is for train t t train.u is for umbrella u u umbrella,v is for van v v van,w is for watch w w watch,x is for box x x box.y is for yellow y y yellowz is for zoo z z zoo.so many things for you to learn about,so many ways to sing a song.门外汉的是那个,也较好听女歌手:twins 单曲:singing in the twin a,b,c,d,e,f,g sing a song of a,b,c come on boys and come on girls sing a song of a,b,c a for apple,b for boy c for cat and d for dog e for egg and f for fish g for girl and h for hand i for ice-cream,j for jack k for kab,l for land m for man and n for nose o for orange and p for pen q for queen and r for rain s for sugar and t for tree u for umbrella and v for van w for wanter and x for expert y for yellow and z for zoo it's simple all can do come on boys and come on girls sing a song of a,b,c a,b,c,d,e,f,g sing a song of a,b,c come on boys and come on girls sing a song of a,b,c。


