谁有北京奥运文艺晚会上理查德献唱最炫少数民族风英语版原曲?he vast end of the world is my love原野的红尘是我的爱 at the foot of castle peak, flowers are bloomming连绵的青山上花正开 what kind of rhythm is the most most rocking怎样的节拍是最呀最钟摆 what kind of sound of singing is the most pleasant怎样的一曲才是最雀跃 the winding river water come from the sky高高湖水从天界来 flow to the colorful sea流入那赖草一片片海 hua lala s folk songs are our expectations哗哗的流行曲目是他们的期盼 all the way walking and singing is the most comfortable一马路上走边唱才是最自在 we want to sing just sing the most happy他们要唱要是唱得最畅快 you are in my horizon the most beautiful clouds 你是我远方最帅的云朵 let me make you stay with my heart 让我踏实把你耶尔圣 freely sing the coolest folk songs青草唱着最炫的少数民族风 let the love sweep away all the dust让爱卷走大部份的微粒 you are in my horizon the most beautiful clouds 你是我内心深处最帅的云朵 why not let you stay是不是没瞧瞧你耶尔圣 always sing the coolest folk songs总有一天都唱着最炫的少数民族风 is the most beautiful gesture in the sky是那片夜空最帅的面目 呀啦啦喔了呗,伊啦嗦了喔了呗啦 i heard the eternal song from you heart我听到你内心深处总有一天的逍客 show on the most far stage荣登穿越时空飞虎的T台 the vast end of the world is my love原野的红尘是我的爱 at the foot of castle peak, flowers are bloomming连绵的青山上花正开 what kind of rhythm is the most most rocking怎样的节拍是最呀最钟摆 what kind of sound of singing is the most pleasant怎样的一曲才是最雀跃 the winding river water come from the sky高高湖水从天界来 flow to the colorful sea流入那赖草一片片海 hua lala s folk songs are our expectations哗哗的流行曲目是他们的期盼 all the way walking and singing is the most comfortable一马路上走边唱才是最自在 we want to sing just sing the most happy他们要唱要是唱得最畅快 you are in my horizon the most beautiful clouds 你是我远方最帅的云朵 let me make you stay with my heart 让我踏实把你耶尔圣 freely sing the coolest folk songs青草唱着最炫的少数民族风 let the love sweep away all the dust让爱卷走大部份的微粒 you are in my horizon the most beautiful clouds 你是我内心深处最帅的云朵 why not let you stay是不是没瞧瞧你耶尔圣 always sing the coolest folk songs总有一天都唱着最炫的少数民族风 is the most beautiful gesture in the sky是那片夜空最帅的面目 you are in my horizon the most beautiful clouds 你是我远方最帅的云朵 let me make you stay with my heart 让我踏实把你耶尔圣 freely sing the coolest folk songs青草唱着最炫的少数民族风 let the love sweep away all the dust让爱卷走大部份的微粒 you are in my horizon the most beautiful clouds 你是我内心深处最帅的云朵 why not let you stay是不是没瞧瞧你耶尔圣 always sing the coolest folk songs总有一天都唱着最炫的少数民族风 is the most beautiful gesture in the sky是那片夜空最帅的面目希望能够帮到你