

有谁能给我找佯装的原曲!!!!we are damned we are dead!她们被死而复生,她们已死!all god's children 2 be sent.大部份天主的小孩都已被遣返.to our perfect place in the gun in the dirt!对她们而言最轻松的地方性是枪火飞舞的冰冷地中!there's a windshield in my heart.Exhilarate铜条风挡.we are hugs so *** eared scaried!她们所持的看法是这般的受污辱和好笑!and could u stop the meal from thinking?你能暂停排便丰功伟绩吗?before i swallow all of it.在我长出大部份那些以后.could u please?能吗?put me in the motorcade!把我放在电动汽车战团中!put me in the death parade!把我放在失踪 *** 各队中!dress me up make me!佯装我,给我假扮!dress me up make me!佯装我,给我假扮!u dying god !你这死而复生的天主!angel with needles poked through our eyes!天采用针揭穿她们的眼!and let the ugly light of the world in.让人世间声名狼藉的闪闪发光.and we were no longer blind.使她们无须一味!and we were no longer blind.使她们无须一味!put me in the motorcade!把我放在电动汽车战团中!put me in the death parade!把我放在失踪 *** 各队中!dress me up make me!佯装我,给我假扮!dress me up make me!佯装我,给我假扮!u dying god !你这死而复生的天主!now we hold the "ugly head"!那时她们保有声名狼藉领导者.the mary where is at the bed!圣心玛格丽特在床边.they're cast the shadow at our perfect death !她们延展阴霾在她们的轻松失踪上!in the sun in the dirt !在日光态射的冰冷地中!


