小伙伴关心的问题:morning歌词(sunday morning歌词),本文通过数据整理汇集了morning歌词(sunday morning歌词)相关信息,下面一起看看。

1.Sunday morning原曲


2.sunday morning原曲是甚么原意

Morning Has Broken 原曲morning has broken(下集)morning has broken like the first morning天已下集,有如第二个傍晚blackbird has spoken like the first bird黑月夜唱,有如第三只鸦科praise for the singing, praise for the morning赞颂这声乐,赞颂这傍晚praise for them springing fresh from the world赞颂它使这世界充满著了清爽sweet the rain's new fall, sunlit from heaven初下的河水和源自天界的日光这般清纯like the first dewfall on the first grass像目蛙沙漠上的第二颗露水praise for the sweetness of the wet garden赞颂那干燥长廊的清纯sprung in completeness where his feet pass天主足印各处天地万物腐化mine is the sunlight; mine is the morning我是日光,我是傍晚born of the one light eden saw play自天堂的一道道萤火虫中问世praise with elation, praise every morning迫不及待的赞颂,赞颂每两个傍晚god's recreation of the new day和天主在捷伊六天格斗游戏

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