谁有瓷器生物化学版的原曲(LRC文档)jvinic 旧版生物稀土元素Ts之歌 原曲The New Periodic Table SongAnd now AsapSCIENCE presents:The Elements of the Periodic Table.There is Hydrogen and Helium.Then Lithium,Beryllium.Boron,Carbon everywhere.Nitrogen all through the air.With Oxygen so you can breath.And Fluorine for your pretty teeth.Neon to light up the signs,Sodium for salty times,Magnesium,Aluminium,Silicon,Phosphorus then,Sulfur,Chlorine and Argon,Potassium,And Calcium so you’e799bee5baa6e4b893e5b19e31333337613931ll grow strong.Scandium,Titanium,Vanadium and Chromium and Manganese.This is the Periodic Table,Noble gas is stable.Halogens and Alkali react aggressively.Each period will see new outer shells.While electrons are added moving to the right.Iron is the 26th,Then Cobalt,Nickel coins you get,Copper,Zinc and Gallium,Germanium and Arsenic,Selenium and Bromine film,While Krypton helps light up your room,Rubidium and Strontium then Yttrium,Zirconium,Niobium,Molybdenum,Technetium,Ruthenium,Rhodium,Palladium,Silver-ware,thenCadmium and Indium,Tin-cans,Antimony,thenTellurium and Iodine and Xenon and then Caesium andBarium is 56 and this is where the table splits,Where Lanthanides have just begun,Lanthanum,Cerium and Praseodymium,Neodymium’s next to Promethium,then 62’sSamarium,Europium,Gadolinium and Terbium,Dysprosium,Holmium,Erbium,Thulium,Ytterbium,Lutetium,Hafnium,Tantalum,Tungsten,then we’re on to Rhenium,O *** ium and Iridium,Platinum,Gold to make you rich till you grow old,Mercury to tell you when it’s really cold,Thallium and Lead the Bi *** uth for your tummy,Polonium,Astatine would not be yummy,Radon,Francium will last a little time,Radium,Then Actinides at 89,This is the Periodic Table,Noble gas is stable.Halogens and Alkali react aggressively.Each period will see new outer shells.While electrons are to the right.Actinium,Thorium,Protactinium,Uranium,Neptunium,Plutonium,Americium,Curium,Berkelium,Californium,Einsteinium,Fermium,Mendelevium,Nobelium,Lawrencium,Rutherfordium,Dubnium,Seaborgium,Bohrium,Hassium then Meitnerium,Darmstadtium,Roentgenium,Copernicium,Ununtrium,Flerovium,Ununpentium,Livermorium,Ununseptium,Ununoctium.And then,we are done.