

中华人民共和国十大元帅纪念章,十大元帅分别为:朱德、彭德怀、林彪、刘伯承、贺龙、陈毅、罗荣桓、徐向前、聂荣臻、 *** 。


十大元帅纪念章,共10枚,24K镀金。正面图案为开国元帅肖像,背面图案为中国人民 *** 军微。十大元帅纪念章是首套“元帅标志”是我国第一次发行按元帅的领章、肩章、帽徽的原样,打造出的中国第一款“元帅标志”藏品;第一次由中国军事博物馆监制,并是为庆祝建军所发行的一套权威版纪念品;是第一次让十大元帅集体亮相的大手笔,更是百年难遇的军事纪念品。


英文翻译:Commemorative MEDALS of the ten marshals of the Peoples Republic of China: Zhu De, Peng Dehuai, Lin Biao, Liu Bocheng, He Long, Chen Yi, Luo Ronghuan, Xu Qianqian, Nie Rongzhen and Ye Jianying.

Gold plated 24K copper Commemorative medallion of the ten Marshals, 1993

Ten Marshal commemorative MEDALS, 10 in total, 24K gold plated. The front design is the portrait of the founding marshal, and the back design is the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army. Ten Marshals commemorative MEDALS is the first set of marshals logo. It is the first time for China to issue according to marshals collar, shoulder and cap emblem. It is the first collection of Marshals logo in China. For the first time, it was supervised by the Chinese Military Museum and issued as a set of authoritative souvenirs to celebrate the founding of the PLA. It is the first time for the ten marshals to appear collectively, but also a once-in-a-lifetime military souvenir.

The collection of "Ten Marshal Commemorative MEDALS" as the highest military gift inherits the profound meaning and historical mission of yuans MEDALS. In particular, the gold pin of shoulder plate is a precious metal wire specially woven and embroidered for European crown and shoulder plate. These precious metals themselves have the function of value preservation and appreciation, supplemented by the historical significance of marshal rank, not only maintain the investment value of traditional precious metals, but also a new breakthrough in the red collection, with double collection added value, is the best of the best.
