
1.王凯 女演员 原曲

原曲王凯的我晓得你都晓得 - 王凯小酒馆没人祝贺巷内没人哭呢情感就该有个输赢你用日本式来为保护想张口却强忍我已没了后路 你却放手我晓得 你全被晓得置之不理 你不该太强求你看著我 就两个笑容让口实变为折磨可我晓得 都是我不太好你越不强求 越变得我可悲你轻轻 抱住我笨蓉能让我还不致 感到恐惧我晓得 我全被晓得屡次顺从是你不该太强求你看著我 就两个笑容让口实变为折磨可我晓得 都是我不太好你越不强求 越变得我可悲你轻轻 抱住我笨蓉能让我还不致 感到恐惧


女演员 王凯原曲译成英语Simply, lets speak in simple terms.单纯点,骂人的方式单纯点Please ignore the temperamental state of mind.环环相扣的焦虑请略去You aren’t an actress你又不是个女演员Don’t make up any of those plots.别结构设计这些故事情节No opinion,没意见建议I just want to see how you justify我只想看一看你怎么圆You act like you are sad as if an actress untalented你伤心的太表层像没天分的女演员Fake acting won’t live through a glance观众们一看能看见I should’ve pretend that I have not seen through your act该相互配合你现场表演的我演无动于衷As if you were forcing the one that loved you to improvise在逼两个钟爱你的人独奏现场表演When can we ever be straight forward?甚么这时候他们已经开始配上了铁律When times we can learn to be honest rather mask our feeling with thosedull performances与时俱进的发生改变看这些差劲的现场表演But you prefer to act like you loved me可你曾所以爱 *** 甚么现场表唱功术细节What should I change to accommodate my feeling of despair?我该变为甚么模样就可以减缓厌烦What comes after a couple sees each other through原来当爱卸下牵制后的这些这些Hence the real challenge才是挑战No opinion没意见建议You do whatever you like你想什么样我都就行了You lack acting skills as well as don’t expected to give a thankfulspeech你唱功也非常有限又别说感想Let’s take separation as it comes合二为一就平静些I should’ve pretend that I have not seen through your act该相互配合你现场表演的我演无动于衷Don’t force the one who loved you to improvise别逼两个钟爱你的人独奏现场表演When can we ever get to the bottom line?甚么这时候他们已经开始没有了铁律Voluntary ignorance has overcome the solemn sentiment of pity顺著自己的诡计消极就不变得心疼Yet you prefer to act like you still in love with me可你曾所以爱 *** 甚么现场表唱功术细节What am I meant to become to complement your act?我该变为甚么模样就可以相互配合参演As it turns out, being able to let go of what we guarded while we loved原来当爱卸下牵制后的这些这些Had a deadline都有个期限After all I am the only audience for your show其实台下的观众们就我两个You express a slight disappointment of letting go其实我也看出你有点不舍It seems that our feelings for each is still lingering场景也习惯他们来回拉扯Clinging to the past还强求着甚么Breaking up is easier said than done其实说分不开的也不见得The more we try to hold onto the more we fear to let go其实情感最怕的就是拖着If we can predict how the show is going to end越演到重场戏越哭不出了Is it still worth to watch?是否还值得I am striving so hard to keep up with your performance as I should该相互配合你现场表演的我尽力在现场表演Like those TV celebrities waiting to be put on stage像情感节目里的嘉宾任人挑选Only If you can see the side of me that loves you still如果还能看出我有爱你的那面Please cut out those plots and let me have some dignity请剪掉这些故事情节让我看上去体面Yet your love has put me on stage可你曾所以爱 *** 甚么现场表唱功术细节An apathetic attitude has become my last act  不在意的模样是我最后的现场表演I act because I am in love with you, Sacrificed for you是因为爱你我才选择现场表演这种成全
