




你母汤氏最无厘头的句原曲是甚么?最 无厘头 的是前几日炙手可热的这句了今晚太艰难,今三股别扭个人理解的原意是说,夜里艰难而无趣,我的三个小腿有点儿痒对于这句的说明有两种,第二种是字面上原意,夜里无趣孤独,小腿痒了,这估计是欠那啥了。


(彼时险些把我笑死了)第三种是,昼慢慢,三个小腿有点儿痒,喻指小腿想公益活动公益活动,想进来看一看想进来看一看,说足痒也比小腿痒好吧而且原曲里还有 白了辽宁成大 ,我觉得作者的文言文功力如果达不到第三种说明只可能将是单纯晚上小腿痒了,可能将想解热了。




.一颗葱糕,并非我真诚,我返回你很久了父亲最 无厘头 的是没有三个人纠偏我,没有三个人,还嘉许我唱得好,/捂脸后来上了高中,一次有意晓得了macau这个单字,一下子感觉好丢人啊,原来我唱了那么多年的葱糕是错的!!!!至今我还经常会跟好朋友说起这件儿时的糗事。


1.王力宏的《梅花残》‘梅花残马路边香,你的微笑已斑驳’,起先始终听成‘梅花残马路边翔’2.张惠妹的《未婚情歌》‘每三个未婚的人都得看透,想爱就别怕伤痛’,冷不丁听成‘每三个未婚的人都得砍头’3.岳云鹏的《五环之歌》‘啊,五环,你比四环多一环,啊五环,你比六环少一环’4.网络曲目《装逼无形中》,‘古天乐的相貌平平又无奇,撒贝宁被保送北大也还行,刘强东是脸盲不识美娇妻,买菜刘青云普通小市民,马云一生后悔创办了阿里,对钱没有兴趣淡泊名和利,有人一无所有他叫王健林,随便定个目标挣它三个亿,马化腾也不过是普通家庭,五千万的别墅不低调不行’5.小米创始人雷军的成名曲《are you ok》在印度当地的红米发布会上,他说‘hello, india mi fans, *** to here china’英文译者是‘大家好,印度的米粉们,欢迎来到中国’6.天后王菲的《红豆》‘可是我,有时候,宁愿选择榴莲不放手’7.刘紫玲的《白毛女》‘北风它拿个锤,雪花它拿个瓢’8.刀郎《2002年的第一场雪》‘停靠在八楼的二路 汽车 ,带走了最后一片飘落的黄叶’,当初始终想着这公交车是怎么开到8楼的?9.《听妈妈讲那过去的事情》我们坐在高高的谷堆(骨堆)旁边,脑海里浮现白骨成堆的情景10.萧亚轩《爱的主打歌》‘我在唱甚么,甚么都觉得,原来原来你是我的主打歌’始终听成‘原来原来你是我的猪大哥’11.江美琪有首歌里有句‘连笑都变得不容易’,冷不防听成‘连小便都不容易’,心想这位mm得了甚么病了!“看那一朵朵梅花爆满山,见证了我们承诺的誓言。






”还没听岳云鹏唱这首歌,看到原曲,我就一乐,不愧是喜剧人写出来的歌,原曲都带着幽默风趣的感觉,在配着岳云鹏那魔性的声音,笑到肚子疼是那句甚么,太阳落山沟让你亲个够尹相杰和于文华唱的,也曾红遍大江南北要说个禽兽一样,还等太阳落了,要说浪漫,和罗大佑唱的“终生的所有也不惜换取刹那阴阳的交流”差天地去了,和“金风玉露一相逢便胜却人间无数”之类的也没法比较,就笑这“亲个够”,那是啥也不说了,全在“亲”里呢!“来来 我是三个 *** 菜菜菜菜菜菜”出自温碧霞女神的《康康歌》,在我映象里温碧霞始终是温柔、知性的代名词,当我听到这首歌是她唱的之后,恩,果然谁都有黑 历史龚琳娜《法海你不懂爱》法海你不懂爱,雷峰塔会掉下来我不晓得三个老头,他懂不懂爱,会影响三个塔的倒塌。


《美丽的姑娘》张卫健美丽的姑娘千千万 只有你最难看这是我见过最直白的原曲了,谁得罪他了,也有多打击人阿杜《他一定很爱你》我如果在车底 不如果在车里还是遇见碰瓷的大妈了另祝大家新年快乐 万事如意!1.“看那一朵朵梅花爆满山,见证了我们承诺的誓言。


”还没听岳云鹏唱这首歌,看到原曲,我就想笑5.还有那首交作业哈哈哈哈哈哈,想想就 无厘头 6.黄渤的一首歌过去了,也是挺有原意你母汤氏最无厘头的句原曲是甚么?我首先想到的是“帅哥,美女,没毛病”不好原意,我保存不到原视频,大家没看过的可以点一下这个链接,还是挺 无厘头 的。


还有的 无厘头 原曲我想了想,小岳岳唱的《五环之歌》,并并非说里面原曲有多 无厘头 ,而是听到这首歌,联想到了小岳岳,自然想笑,虽然还是改编《牡丹之歌》的,不过还是佩服其他就没甚么了,因为说到 无厘头 原曲,我上百度搜了搜,结果得到的都是改编的,那我觉得把改编的放到这就没意义了,大家这种歌多少都会有些。

最后说到 无厘头 的原曲,其实我是不太认同这个问题的,因为在我眼里,咱们大家听歌,无非是两种情况:我很少会想原曲的 无厘头 在哪里,因为大家都晓得,每一首歌的创作者,他们的初心,绝并非为了让原曲变得 无厘头 。

--以上纯属个人观点,如有雷同,不胜荣幸每当我听到刘若英《后来》这首歌,我就在心里暗爽,让你们这些女生当初不珍惜爱你的男孩,现在好了,唱的天花烂醉,后悔个啥呢?Britney Spears的《3》 原曲

britney spears 《3》 1, 2, 3 not only you and me got one eighty degrees and i'm caught in between countin' 1, 2, 3 peter, paul & mary gettin' down with 3p everybody loves *** countin' babe, pick a night to come out and play if it's alright what do you say? merrier the more triple fun that way twister on the floor what do you say? are - you in livin' in sin is the new thing (yeah) are - you in i am countin'! 1, 2, 3 not only you and me got one eighty degrees and i'm caught in between countin' 1, 2, 3 peter, paul & mary gettin' down with 3p everybody loves *** countin' three is a charm two is not the same i don't see the harm so are you game? lets' make a team make 'em say my name lovin' the extreme now are you game? are - you in livin' in sin is the new thing are - you in i am countin'! 1, 2, 3 not only you and me got one eighty degrees and i'm caught in between countin' 1, 2, 3 peter, paul & mary gettin' down with 3p 1, 2, 3 not only you and me got one eighty degrees and i'm caught in between countin' 1, 2, 3 peter, paul & mary gettin' down with 3p everybody loves *** countin' babe, pick a night to come out and play if it's alright what do you say? merrier the more triple fun that way twister on the floor what do you say? are - you in livin' in sin is the new thing (yeah) are - you in i am countin'! 1, 2, 3 not only you and me got one eighty degrees and i'm caught in between countin' 1, 2, 3 peter, paul & mary gettin' down with 3p everybody loves *** countin' three is a charm two is not the same i don't see the harm so are you game? lets' make a team make 'em say my name lovin' the extreme now are you game? are - you in livin' in sin is the new thing are - you in i am countin'! 1, 2, 3 not only you and me got one eighty degrees and i'm caught in between countin' 1, 2, 3 peter, paul & mary gettin' down with 3p everybody loves *** what we do is innocent just for fun and nothin' meant if you don't like the company let's just do it you and me you and me... or three.... or four.... - on the floor! everybody loves *** what we do is innocent just for fun and nothin' meant if you don't like the company let's just do it you and me you and me... or three.... or four.... - on the floor!

britney spears 《3》的原曲britney spears 《3》1, 2, 3Not only you and meGot one eighty degreesAnd I'm caught in betweenCountin'1, 2, 3Peter, Paul & MaryGettin' down with 3PEverybody loves ***Countin'Babe, pick a nightTo come out and playIf it's alrightWhat do you say?Merrier the moreTriple fun that wayTwister on the floorWhat do you say?Are - you inLivin' in sin is the new thing (yeah)Are - you inI am countin'!1, 2, 3Not only you and meGot one eighty degreesAnd I'm caught in betweenCountin'1, 2, 3Peter, Paul & MaryGettin' down with 3PEverybody loves ***Countin'Three is a charmTwo is not the sameI don't see the harmSo are you game?Lets' make a teamMake 'em say my nameLovin' the extremeNow are you game?Are - you inLivin' in sin is the new thingAre - you inI am countin'!1, 2, 3Not only you and meGot one eighty degreesAnd I'm caught in betweenCountin'1, 2, 3Peter, Paul & MaryGettin' down with 3P1, 2, 3Not only you and meGot one eighty degreesAnd I'm caught in betweenCountin'1, 2, 3Peter, Paul & MaryGettin' down with 3PEverybody loves ***Countin'Babe, pick a nightTo come out and playIf it's alrightWhat do you say?Merrier the moreTriple fun that wayTwister on the floorWhat do you say?Are - you inLivin' in sin is the new thing (yeah)Are - you inI am countin'!1, 2, 3Not only you and meGot one eighty degreesAnd I'm caught in betweenCountin'1, 2, 3Peter, Paul & MaryGettin' down with 3PEverybody loves ***Countin'Three is a charmTwo is not the sameI don't see the harmSo are you game?Lets' make a teamMake 'em say my nameLovin' the extremeNow are you game?Are - you inLivin' in sin is the new thingAre - you inI am countin'!1, 2, 3Not only you and meGot one eighty degreesAnd I'm caught in betweenCountin'1, 2, 3Peter, Paul & MaryGettin' down with 3PEverybody loves ***What we do is innocentJust for fun and nothin' meantIf you don't like the companyLet's just do it you and meYou and me...Or three....Or four....- On the floor!Everybody loves ***What we do is innocentJust for fun and nothin' meantIf you don't like the companyLet's just do it you and meYou and me...Or three....Or four....- On the floor!
