

1. 表示“天赋,天才;才能”的名词genius, gift, talent【语境感悟】He was an architect of genius. 他是一位天才建筑师He has a gift for languages. 他有语言天赋。


Your brother is a man of many talents. 你的弟弟是个多才多艺的人gifted = talented adj. 有天赋的,有才华的2. 表示“因此,所以”的句子副词accordingly, consequently, hence, therefore, thus【语境感悟】The cost of transport is a major expense for an industry. Hence factory location is an important consideration. 运输成本是企业的一大支出,因此工厂选址是重要的考虑因素。


Some of the laws were contradictory. Accordingly, measures were taken to clarify them. 有些法律相互矛盾,因此,采取了措施将其阐明。


Most computer users have never received any formal keyboard training. Consequently, their keyboard skills are inefficient. 大多数电脑使用者都没有经过正规的键盘操作训练,因此他们的键盘技巧不够熟练。


Most of the evidence was destroyed in the fire. Thus it would be almost impossible to prove him guilty. 大多数证据已在大火中烧毁,因而要证明他有罪几乎是不可能的。


【注意】so也表示“因此,所以”,是连词,多用于口语在书面英语中,人们往往更喜欢用therefore或consequently,因为这两个词听上去更正式:She had previous experience, therefore she seemed the best candidate. 她有相关经验,因此看来是最佳人选。


3. 表达“更不用说……,更不必说……”let alone, not to mention, much/ still less, to say nothing of【语境感悟】The baby can’t even sit up yet, let alone walk! 这个宝宝连坐都不会,更不用说走了。


He’s one of the kindest and most intelligent, not to mention handsome, men I know. 他是我所知道的最友善、最聪明的人之一,此外他还很英俊。


At the age of fourteen I had never been on a train, much less an aircraft. 我14岁时还未做过火车,更不用说飞机了It would be an enormous amount of work, to say nothing of the cost. 工作量会很大,更不用说费用了。


4. 表示“日记,日志,日记簿”的名词journal, diarykeep a diary/journal 写日记,记日记diary entry 一则日记5. 表示“假期,假日”的名词holiday, vacation, leave在短语be on holiday, go on holiday, return from holiday(度假回来) 中,holiday 不能用holidays。

holidays 通常跟在the, my, your等词之后:Soon it will be the holidays. 假期马上就到了Where do you want to go for your holidays? 你想去哪里度假?leave [U] 假期,假日,尤指军人的休假:He’s asked for a month’s leave.他已请了一个月的假。

She’ s been given leave of absence to attend a computer course. 她获准假去参加计算机培训课程【注意】英语中也可以用副词off表示“(因病或度假)休息;不上学;不工作”:My secretary’s been off with flu for the past week. 我的秘书过去一周得了流感没来上班。

| You look tired. Why don’t you take tomorrow off? 你看上去很疲惫,为什么明天不休息一天呢?【固定搭配】leave of absence 准假go on holiday/vacation 去度假take/have a holiday/vacation 休假A package holiday (旅行社安排一切的)包价旅游。