

1. I think so.我想是的2. In a word, yes.一句话,是的3. Youre perfectly correct.完全和你说的一样4. You got it.正是!5. I deny that.我否认。


6. Thats not what I mean.我不是那个意思7. If you say so.如果你说是的话,那就是吧8. Im afraid so.恐怕就是这样了9. No doubt.确实是这样。


10. Your answer is to the point.你说到点子上了11. Just google it.自己去搜索一下12. You made my day.因为你(或你的言语行动)让我一天都很开心。


13. Shes wearing heavy makeup.她化了浓妆14. Im starving to death.我快饿死了15. She dumped me.她把我甩了16. Youre the last person I want to see.你是我最不想见到的一个人。


17. Fair enough.没错,有道理18. Dont take it too serious.别太当真/在意19. Look on the bright side.往好的方面想20. You have my word.我向你保证。


21. You asked for it!是你自找的/都是你自己造的孽啊!22. Am I embarrassing you?我让你丢人/尴尬了吗?23. Im as busy as a bee.我特别的忙。


24. Are you with me?你在听我说话吗(对话时引起他人注意力)?要不要一起来啊(邀请对方一起做某事)?25. Dont go too far.别高兴的太早/别想得太不切实际了26. Youre barking up the wrong tree.你搞错对象了/你问错人了。


27. Shes my ex.她是我前女友(前妻)28. You bet.当然啦,肯定的(表示自己很有把握)29. Im gonna throw a party.我要办个派对30. Hes a heavy *** oker.他是个大烟袋。


31. Shes shallow.她很肤浅(形容以貌取人等)32. You piss me off.你惹恼我了33. Shes showing off again.她又在炫耀了34. Just like old times.就像从前一样。


35. Tell me about it.就是啊,可不是嘛!(用以迎合对方的话,表示有相同的经历)36. Im positive(或直接说positive)非常肯定37. This seat is taken.此座已占。

38. Keep it real.莫装逼39. My aunt flo is visiting.我大姨妈来了/来例假了40. He always breaks the ice.他总能活跃气氛41. I take that back.我收回自己的话(用于反悔之前说过的话)。

42. That means a lot to me.那对我来说意义重大/是莫大的鼓励43. You name it.你尽管说(只要你说,我都答应)44. Its a long shot.没什么胜算/成功的几率不大(但还是可以试试看)。

45. What a *** all world.世界可真是小啊46. Whats good here?(点餐时)这儿最好吃的是什么?47. What do you think?你觉得嘞?你怎么想?48. There you go again.又来了!49. Youll see.以后你会明白的。

50. Stay out of this.别搀和51. Dont be like that.别这样嘛52. Youve gone too far.你实在是太过分了53. That makes two of us.我也是/我赞同你的想法。

54. That makes one of us.只有你才这样55. How do I look?我看上去咋样?56. Could be.有可能,说不定57. Not a chance.门儿都没有,想都别想。

58. Whats with your face?你的脸怎么了?59. Nothing personal.我没别的意思(不是出于私人恩怨)60. It wont be too long.很快就好了61. Be realistic.现实一点!62. Dont be so childish.别这么孩子气。

63. Dont make a fool of yourself.别丢人现眼了64. Are we on the same page?我们想法一样吧?我们达成共识了吧?65. A promise is a promise.说话算话。

66. Im crazy about her.我疯狂迷恋她67. Im in a bad mood.我心情很糟糕68. Im not your baby-sitter.我可不是你的保姆69. How was your day?今天过得咋样?70. Another day, another dollar.当一天和尚撞一天钟。

71. Mind your own business.管好你自己72. Right on time.来得正是时候/很准时73. Feel free to call me.随时电话联系我74. Where were we last time?我们上次讲到哪儿了?75. Im worn out.我累死鸟。

76. Ill get her for you.我帮你去叫她77. Whats your constellation/sign?你是什么星座的?78. One moment, please.请稍等79. It drives me crazy.快把老子气疯了。

80. I dont get you.我没明白你的意思81. I have gained a lot of weight.我发福了很多82. Anytime youre ready.只要你准备好了任何时候都可以。

83. Just get out of my way.靠边儿站/别挡路84. Im totally behind this.我完全赞成这个85. Doesnt matter to me.跟我没关系/我无所谓了。

86. Im taking my time.我在静观其变87. This is kind of embarrassing.这有点难为情/有点囧/有点尴尬88. By all means.当然可以(同certainly)。

89. We all chipped in.我们大伙凑的90. Im not sure I know what youre getting at.我不知道你意指什么91. Were looking into it.我们正在观察。

92. I need to be by myself for a while.我需要一个人静一会儿93. How about if we split it?我们平摊怎么样?94. That makes sense.那样还说得过去/比较合理。

95. Things are gonna work out.事情会解决的96. You might wanna ...开头表示提建议,翻译成“怎样怎样比较好”97. We made a pact.我们说好的/约定好的。

98. You wish!你想得美!99. Lets take a short break.我们稍作休息100. Spot on!说的太对了!101. Come again?再说一遍?102. Ill back you up.我会挺你的。

103. Tit for tat.以牙还牙104. Get in line!排队去(别插队)!105. Sure thing!当然!106. Dont mess with me.别惹我/老子可不是好惹的。

107. Sold out.卖光了108. So far, so good.目前还过得去吧109. Bummer!真倒霉/真扫兴!110. Wait up.等等哈111. About time!是时候了(做某事)!112. Youre a badass.你个坏蛋。

113. Its meant to be.天意啊!114. She passed out.她昏倒了115. Im not that bad!我没那么差吧!116. Im low on cash.我手头缺钱花啊/手头紧啊。

117. Be right back.马上回来118. You can count on me.相信我/你就放心交给我吧119. Buck up!振作起来!120. Same here.我也是121. Deal!成交!就这样说定了!122. Do I have to?我一定要如此吗?123. Check, please.买单啦/结账。

124. And?还有呢?125. Nice try!想得美!得了吧!126. Cheers!干杯!谢谢啦!127. Peace!再见!128. Bingo!中了!129. Its on the house.免费的。

130. Still up?还没睡呀?131. Easy, man.哥们,淡定132. Dont flatter yourself.别自以为是了133. What is the fuss?吵什么?134. Are you by yourself?你一个吗?135. Ill see to it.我会留意的。

136. Call it even.扯平了137. So?然后呢?138. Hold me tight.抱紧我139. Whats on your mind?你心里在想什么?140. Make up your mind.快下决心/做出决定吧。

141. Im dead broke right now.我现在穷死了142. Dont try to strike an attitude with me.不要对我摆什么臭架子143. Hes just pulling my leg.他只是在开我的玩笑。

144. Break a leg!好运!祝你好运!145. You cant break your promise.你不能言而无信啊!146. Keep a low profile / Keep your head down!保持低调!147. I dont have time for this.我可没时间跟你瞎搅和/瞎逼逼(表某事是浪费时间,或催促赶紧切入正题)。

148. I dont mean to be rude, but...我无意冒犯,但是……149. Where to?去哪儿?150. Anywhere but here.除了这里,哪儿都可以151. You wont regret it.你不会后悔的。

152. Ill take the shotgun.我坐副驾驶的位置153. She hates my guts.她恨死我了154. I made a fool of myself.我出尽了洋相/丢尽了脸。

155. Ill take your word for it.我相信你说的话156.This is a touchy subject.这是个敏感的话题157. You seem a littile jumpy.你有点儿神经质啊。

158. I cant thank you enough.我感激不尽159. Shes our age.她跟我们年纪差不多160. Dont drag me into this.别把我扯进来161. Suck it up!能忍就忍吧 / 忍忍就过去了。

162. How could you?你怎么可以这样(对我/这样做)?163. Dont rush me!别催我!164. Its just a setback.这只是点小挫折而已165. How could you be so sure?你怎么能这么肯定?166. You just let it happen.你就这么任其发生(不管不顾的)。

167. Im beat.我累坏了168. What a drag!真无聊!真没劲!169. I got fired.我被炒鱿鱼了170. I can live with that.我能受得了/接受得了。

171. Text me when you get home.到家了给我发个短信172. Need a hand ?需要帮忙吗?173. Its my call.这事由我决定174. You really like playing this card.你可真是喜欢用这招啊。

175. Hes getting too emotional.他太鸡冻了/情绪化了176. Im trying to spare your feelings.我是在照顾你的感受177. Im out of work.我失业了。

178. We should think twice about it.我们得仔细考虑下179. The hell you say!废话!胡扯!我不信你的话!180. Money is no object.钱不是问题(有足够的钱,不差钱)。

181. Id like to make a reservation.我想预定(房间/座位等)182. Whats the hurry?急毛急啊!183. You made a right choice.你的选择是对的。

184. Youre a dead man!你丫死定了!185. Ill treat you to dinner.我会请你吃饭的186. No more worries.再不需担心了187. No funny stuff.不要耍花招。

188. You should burn in hell.你真该下地狱!189. I wont take no for an answer.别对我说不/别拒绝我190. Im going to puke.我要吐了。

191. Im just wiped out.我累坏了/筋疲力尽了192. Sorry, I just slipped it out.抱歉,我说漏嘴了193. Excuse me for a moment.失陪一会儿。

194. Just leave it to me.交给我处理吧195. Dont underestimate anyone.不要小看/低估任何人196. Youre really something!你真了不起/你真牛。

197. Just have a little faith.要有点信心嘛198. Make it quick.长话短说/快一点199. Dont kid yourself.不要自欺欺人了200. Its made in heaven.这是命中注定的。